Vincet Mubiru2024-10-172024-10-172024-09-20 study will investigate the engagement in promoting PPPs between the private and public sectors, with particular attention to engineering and technical services within KCCA. The study therefore intends to assess the current legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks guiding the performance of PPPs, while collating perceptions and experiences of the private sector stakeholders such as investors, developers, and operators. The findings show a wide variation in the perceptions of stakeholders about the efficiency of the frameworks. Whereas 86.9% of the policymakers consider the frameworks comprehensive, a critical percentage of 84.76% of the KCCA leaders mentioned fundamental gaps; this means that major revisions are needed to help these frameworks resolve the urban governance challenges. Also, 65.1% of private sector partners felt let down and needed customized solutions that reflected their operational reality. In contrast, 76.1% of industry associations/business chambers felt that these frameworks were effective. The study stresses that consultation among the stakeholders through collaborative discussions is necessary to make such frameworks comprehensive, pragmatic, and responsive to diverse needs. It goes on to recommend workshops for conducting a dialogue, an individualized guideline on implementation, emphasis on capacity building, procedures for periodic monitoring and evaluation, and promotion of transparency and accountability throughout the PPP process. The best outcome would be an enhanced infrastructure development and service delivery due to proper public-private collaborationPrivate Sector Engagement With the Public Sector in Promoting PPPs a Case Study of Engineering and Technical Services Under Kampala Capital Authority