Bridget Kobusinge2024-06-112024-06-112024-06-10 study is about analyzing the barriers to healthcare access in Uganda and it was guided by four objectives namely; To analyze the international, regional and national legal and policy framework on the on the right to access health care services in Uganda, To assess the financial barriers that hinder healthcare access, To evaluate the infrastructure and resource gaps in healthcare facilities, To identify the challenges in the implementation of constitutional provisions on the right to access health care services in Uganda. Analyzing the barriers to healthcare access in Uganda is crucial for understanding the challenges faced by individuals in obtaining medical services. The abstract would delve into factors such as limited healthcare infrastructure, inadequate healthcare funding, shortage of healthcare professionals, and lack of awareness about healthcare services. By examining these barriers, we can identify potential solutions to improve healthcare access and delivery in UgandaenAn Analysis on the Barriers to Health Care Access in UgandaDissertation