Precious Mary Namugere2024-05-132024-05-132024-05-07 dissertation explores the treatment of prisoners in Uganda while focusing on prisons in Jinja District. It aims to understand how well the prisons in Jinja respect the prisoners’ rights. I initially expected to find many cases of violations of Prisoners’ rights as often reported in the media; however, through the interviews with prisoners and wardens, I discovered that prisons in Jinja District are generally doing a good job observing these rights. As the inmates reported that they have access to adequate food, medical care and are treated with respect. Overall, the research shows that also though Jinja prisons may still have some areas that need improvement, they have done a fairly good job in protecting the prisoners and this indicates that its possible for all prisons in Uganda to protect the prisoners in their custody.enA Critical Analysis of the Observance of Human Rights of Prisoners by Uganda Prison ServiceDissertation