Rehema Kyanika2024-07-292024-07-292024-07-25 study investigated the effect of staff development programs on employee performance in Bugweri District Local Government. It was guided by the following research objectives: To investigate the impact of employee training on staff performance in Bugweri District Local Government. To evaluate the effect of staff career development on staff performance in Bugweri District Local Government. Finally, the third research objective was to examine the effect of employee performance management on staff performance in Bugweri District Local Government. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design and used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The sample size was 59 and the major data collection methods and tools were questionnaires and interview guides. The study findings revealed that employee training was correlated to employee performance by 3.7% at p = 0.782. In terms of effect, employee training only contributes 0.1% to employee performance at p = 0.782. This implies that employee training is not a significant determination of employee performance in Bugweri District Local Government. The study showed that employee career development was correlated to employee performance by 42.6%. This implies that a unit increase in employee career development improves employee performance by 42.6%. The analysis also revealed that employee career development accounts for 18.1% of employee performance at p=0.001. This shows that employee career development is a significant determinant on employee performance in Bugweri District Local Government. The study established that employee performance management is correlated to employee performance by 42.9% at p= 0.001 in Bugweri District Local Government. This implies that a unit improvement in employee performance management will improve employee performance by 42.8%, in terms of effect, employee performance management accounts for employee performance by 18.4% at p=0.001. This shows that employee performance management is a significant factor determining employee performance. The study recommends that: Bugweri district local government should conduct a thorough review of the content and relevance of training programs to ensure they align with the specific needs and priorities of employees and the organization. Bugweri district local government should implement structured Individual Development Plans for employees to identify their career goals, strengths, and areas for development. Bugweri district local government should ensure that performance expectations are clearly communicated to employees through well-defined job descriptions, key performance indicators (KPIs), and performance objectives.enEffect of Staff Development Programmes on Employee Performance in Bugweri district local governmentDissertation