Griffin Eddy Arinaitwe2023-09-122023-09-122023-09 is a dissertation.This research delved into the landscape of health insurance coverage within the university context, with Uganda Christian University in Mukono District, Uganda, as the focal point. With national health insurance coverage limited, this study examined the benefits of health insurance coverage for UCU students and staff. By examining coverage levels, healthcare utilization patterns, financial implications, and health outcomes, the research yielded comprehensive insights into the dynamic impact of health insurance coverage within a university setting. The study framed the challenges associated with not having insurance, highlighted objectives, and introduced the research approach. This approach underscored the urgency of investigating health insurance coverage at UCU, where limited coverage hinged on individual initiatives and private arrangements. The study delivered a deep dive into the findings, aligned with research objectives and found out that the biggest challenge to individuals not signing up for health insurance cover was the financial implications that come with it. This therefore necessitated that family insurance that is usually given to the children whereby if they reached a certain age less susceptible to health complications, the health insurance cover is then removed and given to a younger sibling. With all these findings, the study therefore had the proper knowledge and evidence to base on as it sort to analyze the benefits of health insurance coverage.enAnalysis of The Benefits of Health Insurance Coverage: A Case Study of Uganda Christian UniversityDissertation