Karen Nyakato Acen2023-09-082023-09-082023-09-07https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12311/995This is a dissertation.The study aimed at assessing the Performance Management Systems on Staff Productivity in Rakai District. The specific objectives of the study are to examine the relationship between training and employee productivity, to establish the relationship between reward system and employee productivity, to find out the relationship between communication and employee productivity at RDLG. The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive design where both qualitative and quantitative research approaches are used. The study targeted top management officials, line managers for different departments, human resource officials, employees and support staff of RDLG. The qualitative data is analyzed using thematic and content analysis whereas quantitative data is analyzed by the Statistic Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 21). The study results are interpreted with the use of descriptive and inferential statistics where percentages, mean standard deviation and Pearson correlations coefficients are used. The findings revealed that training is the most important factor that influences employee productivity at RDLG which needs serious attention to ensure its continuity and quality. The results on reward systems indicated that when employees are well motivated and their efforts appreciated, there is a high possibility of increasing their productivity. Results on communication revealed that effective communication plays a significant role in making awareness about organizational goals, objectives and activities among employees. The study recommended that there is a need for the management of RDLG to put in place mechanisms to ensure that training of employees continues and be well elaborated for the employees to gain the required skills and knowledge to continue providing good quality health services to the clients to enhance employee productivity levels, the study recommended that the organization should reward its employees. For every opportunity possible, the management at RDLG should formally recognize good employee efforts for enhanced work performance. Another recommendation by the study is that, effective communication should be used by RDLG management to avail information about the goals, objectives and activities of the organization.enAssessing the Impact of Performance Management Systems on Staff Productivity at Rakai District Local GovernmentDissertation