Cheptoyek Sandra2024-12-092024-12-092024-10-11 study was entitled effect of parenting styles on teenage pregnancy in Kwanyiy Sub County, Kween District and it was guided by the following research objective: The study used a descriptive research design and it considered a sample size of 110 respondents. The study findings showed that: To identify how permissive parenting style influence teenage pregnancies in Kwanyiy Sub County Kween District, to find out the authoritative parenting style influence teenage pregnancies in Kwanyiy Sub County Kween District and lastly to establish how uninvolved parenting style affects teenage pregnancies in Kwanyiy Sub County Kween District. The study findings revealed that Permissive parenting is too tolerant with teenagers with no setting of limits increasing on teenage pregnancies, the study also concluded that Permissive parenting makes teenagers not to differentiate between what is good & bad for them making wrong decisions that increase teenage pregnancies, findings also concluded that under permissive parenting, children do what they want & fail to respect their elder’s views resulting in to teenage pregnancies and lastly findings concluded that Permissive parents focus on the wellbeing of their children & do not want to disappoint them increasing on teenage pregnancies, that authoritative parenting puts up strict policies against children forcing them to have fear reducing on teenage pregnancies, findings also concluded that authoritative parents pay attention to their children which makes teenagers less vulnerable reducing teenage pregnancy cases and lastly findings concluded that authoritative parenting balances demandingness & responsiveness reducing vulnerability to teenage pregnancies and lastly that uninvolved parents don’t set firm boundaries or high standards & are uninvolved in teenagers lives contributing to increase on teenage pregnancies.en-USEffect of Parenting Styles on Teenage Pregnancy in Kwanyiy Sub County Kween District