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Socio-Economic Factors and Access to Health Care Services in Northern Division, Mbale City
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-27) Sharon Taaka
This research study was guided by the topic Socio-Economic Factors and Access to Health Care Services in Northern Division. And it was guided by the following research objectives: To assess the effect of gender on access to health care services in Northern City Division Mbale City, to examine the effect of educational levels on access to health care services in Northern City Division Mbale City and lastly to investigate the effect of age on access to health care services in Northern City Division Mbale City. The study used both a quantitative and qualitative research design and it considered a population of 100 respondents with a sample size of 80 respondents. The study findings concluded that women and men health access is influenced by their gender interaction, that gender roles coupled with domestic expectations compromise health care access, that men with a more masculine gender orientation are less likely to go for health care counseling, that education levels affect access to health care services, that education attainment is an indication of literacy levels and impacts healthcare outcomes, that aging consumer decision making brings differences between older individuals in relation to the trust they have in the service provider, that if old people are constrained by levels of income, they end up not making right decisions and lastly that that health care is affected by age differences because older people have greater need for health care. The study findings concluded that: women and men health access is influenced by their gender interaction, that women access to health care is influenced by their gender due to community perceptions/societies they stay, that education levels affect access to health care services, that education attainment is an indication of literacy levels and impacts healthcare outcomes, that aging consumer decision making brings differences between older individuals in relation to the trust they have in the service provider, and lastly that if old people are constrained by levels of income, they end up not making right decisions.
Socio-Economic Factors Associated With the Proportion of Girl Children in Upe Schools of Budaka Sub – County: A case study of Nakisenye primary school, Budaka district
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-05-08) Alicia Mugala
Background: Despite of various interventions to retain girl children in UPE schools, the proportion of girls who are retained is still low. This research was undertaken to assess the socio- economic factors associated with Proportion of girl children in primary schools of Budaka District Objectives: The study was guided by three objectives; to investigate the proportion of girl children who have been retained in primary schools of Nakisenye primary school, to analyze socio-economic factors associated with Proportion of a girl child in primary schools of Nakisenye primary school, to determine the demographic factors associated with Proportion of a girl child in primary schools of Nakisenye primary school Method: The study used cross-sectional study with the help of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data was collected from 36 respondents Nakisenye primary school using a semi structured questionnaire and interview guide. Purposive sampling technique was used to select research participants and data analysis was done using tables. Results: Study findings show that fewer girls complete primary schooling cycle as supported by 49% of study participants. Many girls dropout of school (50%) and usually miss classes (56%) leading to school dropout. Additionally, poverty and social norms and practices influences Proportion of girl child children in UPE schools (46%) and (28%) respectively Conclusion: Other socio-economic factors of substance abuse include household incomes (31%) and place of residence (55%). There are socio-demographic factors of girl children Proportion in UPE schools are early child bearing influences Proportion of girl child children in UPE Schools (43%) and gender (55%). Recommendations: Government through ministry of education should implement Proportion policies for girl child in UPE schools. Schools in partnership with Ministry of Education and parents should also put in place policies and regulations that keep girls in schools and ensure that they complete schooling cycle Key Words: Prevalence, Socio-economic determinates
The Impact of Rural Women’s Access to Economic Resources on the Wellbeing of Their Households in Asuret Sub-county, Soroti District
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-25) Sharon Evelyne Abeja
The research investigated the impact of rural women’s access to economic resources on the well-being of their households in Asuret Sub County, Soroti district. The study identified a gap in rural women access to economic resources despite government efforts in programs like UWEP, EMYOOGA, PDM, and NAADS. The study adopted purposive sampling technique, qualitative research design, data analysis through coding and data collection methods of interviews and focused group discussions. The study found access to friendly micro-credit, responsive public policy management, protection of women, and access to land and property rights key determinants for access to economic resources, rural women access to economic resources as not the only factor responsible for the well-being of their households. Future researchers should consider assessing the factors for economic prosperity among women. The study concluded that there was a strong positive relationship between women access to economic resources and the well-being of their households.
The Impact of Substance Abuse on the Psychosocial Well-Being of the Youths in Pamba Ward, Soroti City West
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-25) Brenda Ajwang
The study explored the impact of substance abuse on psychosocial well-being of the youths in Pamba Ward, Soroti City West. Despite the programs, interventions and the initiatives put by the government and World Health Organization to combat substance abuse, there was still a high knowledge gap on information on substance abuse which led to low psycho-social well-being of the youths in this area. The study found out that alcohol, marijuana, opium and tobacco stood to be the most commonly abused drugs and impacted the psychosocial well-being of the youth negatively physically, socially and emotionally. The study was conducted using interview guide and focus group discussions. The study recommended that issues related to psychosocial well-being of the youth should be given priority in the interventions by involving parents, local council leaders, community, schools and religious groups at the local level to support the psychosocial well-being of the youth in the area.
Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors Associated With Enhancing Reproductive Health of Women in Bunyafa Sub County Sironko District
(Uganda Christian University, 2024) Morren Namuhenge
Background: many women do not have access to reproductive health leading to high morbidity and high child mortality Objective: this aimed at assessing social -economic and Demographic factors associated with enhancing reproductive health of women in Bunyafa sub county sironko Method: the study used cross sectional study with the help of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data was collected from 80respondents in Bunyafa sub county using a structured questionnaire and interview guide. Purpossive sampling technique was used to select research participants. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statics and content analysis for qualitative data. Results: the findings of research study show that limited decision making(39 percent) hinder access to reproductive health services by women alongside gender roles (29percent). In addition socio-demographic factors of age(36 percent) and place of residence(rural or urban) (45 percent) determines Access to reproductive health of women. Further soco economic factors such as income levels (42percent), peer influence (53 percent) and levels of women's education have been cited as central determinants of access to reproductive health of women. Conclusion: young women without decision making power and residing in rural areas with low income and low education levels have been found to have less or no access to reproductive health. Recommendation: the ministry of health together with gender, labour and social development counterpart should strengthen enforcement of policies regarding universal access to reproductive health by women, curtail social exclusion and improve availability, accessibility and utilization of reproductive health by women. Also the government should reduce taxation on entrepreneural businesses so as to boost economic household income through business incubation, Skilling an parish development model for the empowerment of marginalized and economically unsound person including women groups.
Socio-Cultural Factors and the Utilization of Antenatal Care Services in Budaka Health Centre IV, Budaka District
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-25) Esther Sabano
This Research study was conducted at Budaka Health Centre IV in District Local Government in Eastern Uganda. The study was intended to investigate the factors affecting the utilization of antenatal care services in Budaka Health Centre IV, Budaka District. In the study, Maternal health education was taken as the independent variable while utilization of antenatal care services as the dependent variable. Doctors, Clinical officer, Nurses, mothers, and other health staffs provided primary data for the study. The research was mostly qualitative in nature, with minor mathematics used. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design. The sampling techniques included purposive sampling for Doctors and clinical officers and simple random for Nurses and mothers. In order to gather data, questionnaires were issued to clinical officers and doctors whereas mothers and other staff were interviewed. To analyze the collected data, quantitative methods were used to establish frequencies and percentages. Qualitative means were also used whereby themes and quotations were made. The researcher carried out the study by physically interviewing Health workers, mothers and group employees etc. The data collected by research assistants and the researcher were put together for analysis and the analysis was brought out in chapter four. Chapter five covers mostly summary discussion of finding, conclusions, and recommendations by the researcher. Key findings of the study revealed that educated pregnant women utilise antenatal care services, they are aware and knowledgeable of the services of antenatal care services and the easily access antenatal care services. The biggest challenge faced was the inadequate funding. This can be addressed if a fee called research emergency is introduced. This can facilitate the smooth management of the exercise. The study recommends that Outreaches should be set in all the villages to operate on a weekly basis to allow the pregnant mothers who come from very far to access antenatal care services at a nearby place.
Substance Abuse and Socio-Demographic Factors Associated With Academic Performace in Universal Secondary (Use) in Industrial Division of Mbale City
(Uganda Christian University, 2024) Mary Nalumansi
Background: Many students today are under substance abuse resulting in failure to enroll in schools, perform poorly in academics and as a consequence, drop out of school. Objective: the major objective of this study was to assess substance abuse and academic performance in USE schools in the Industrial Division of Mbale City. Specifically, the study assessed substance abuse and academic performance as well as socio economic factors and academic performance in USE in Industrial Division of Mbale City.It also established socio-demographic factors and academic performance in the Industrial Division of Mbale City. Method: The study used a cross-sectional study with the help of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data was collected from 80 respondents in the Industrial Division using a semi-structured questionnaire and interview guide. A purposive sampling technique was used to select research participants and data analysis was done using tables Results: Study findings show that substance abuse leads to school dropout as supported by 49% of study participants. Students who abuse drugs perform poorly academically (50%) and usually miss classes (56%) leading to low academic performance. Additionally, the level of family income determines the incidence of substance abuse where students from high-income families are substance abusers (46%) and those students with parents without education also abuse drugs (28%). Other socio-economic factors of substance abuse include peer pressure (31%) and gender (55%). There are socio-demographic factors of substance abuse that significantly influence academic performance such as place of residence (43%) and age (55%). Conclusions: Students who experience substance abuse perform poorly and drop out of school. Those from affluent families in urban settings can experience substance abuse irrespective of age and peer influence. Recommendations: The government through various law enforcement agencies should control drug and substance use including narcotics in schools. Schools in partnership with Ministry of Education and parents should also put in place policies and regulations help to control substance abuse among students and strive to undertake and promote effective teaching-learning processes
An Analysis on the Contribution of Sage on the Socioeconomic Wellbeing in the Lives of the Elderly Living in Northern Division, Mbale City
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-02-23) Divine Hope Mugide
The purpose of this was study was to find out contribution of sage on the socioeconomic wellbeing in the lives of the elderly living in northern division Mbale city. The study was guide by the three objectives to examine the spread and performance of the sage program on the elderly persons living. Identify the effectiveness of the evaluation system of the sage activity program, establish the impact of the sage program on the socioeconomic wellbeing of the elderly living in the areas of the northern division Mbale city. The study was both qualitative and quantitative. The study employed purposive sampling basing on their area of expertise in the study. The sample of the study was small with a total number of 67respondents, 16 beneficiaries and 4 key informants this was because of limited resources and time. Data was collected through structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews and interview guides. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS software and it was presented using tables for easy understanding and qualitative data was analyzed thematically for easy understanding of the statistical information to all readers. The findings of the study presented the general overview of how the elderly benefited socially and economically from the SAGE program for instance they have accumulated asserts like phones, farm land, chairs among others from SAGE program, the business or income generating project that the elderly are engaging for example shop selling, bar selling, salon operation among others and the skills that they have learnt and have helped them to manage or operate their businesses. The findings of the study also presented various reasons that have helped these elderly to accumulate asserts for example team work among others. The current situation before joining the program whereby the life has improved according to the majority and some challenges that they face towards accessing the funds.
The Effects of Social Economic Factors on the Well-Being of Youth, a Case Study of Napak Town Council, Napak District”
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-24) Godfrey Lotukei
Despite of numerous interventions by both government and development partners, wellbeing of youths has continued to go down.This study assessed the effect of socio-economic factors on the wellbeing of the youths in Napak Town Council of Napak district of Karamoja sub region of North Eastern Uganda. The major objective of this study was to therefore to assess the effect of socio-economic factors on the wellbeing of the youths in Napak Town Council. Specifically, the study investigated the effect of unemployment on the wellbeing of the youths in Napak Town Council in Napak district and assessed the effects of education levels on the wellbeing of the youth in Napak Town Council in Napak district. It also investigated the effect of income levels on the wellbeing of the youth in Napak Town Council in Napak district. The study used cross-sectional design to analyze data from the study area with the help of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The researcher collected data from 80 respondents in the study area who were selected using simple random and purpose sampling and questionnaires together with interview guide were used to collect data from study subjects. The study found that youths in Napak Town Council who lack jobs have low level of wellbeing and unemployment has resulted into lack of decent shelter among the youths in Napak Town council. Unemployed youths in Napak town council do not have access to basic social services and poor health outcomes are associated with unemployment among youths. Additionally, youths without education in Napak Town Council do not have formal employment and in Napak town council, illiterate youths are poor with low levels of wellbeing. Also youths with low education lack skills for self employment and youths with tertiary education and above have access to basic social services compared to their counterparts with low education. Other findings indicate that youths with low incomes in Napak town council have fewer assets and lack of saving among the youths is associated with low incomes.Lows income levels was also found to contribute to lack of investment among youths in Napak town council and youths with higher incomes have better health outcomes. The researcher recommended implementation of programmes and projects that have direct bearing of youth wellbeing and such programmes should be participatory, inclusive and sustainable.
The Effects of Early Marriages on Child Development in Uganda: A Case Study of Rukungiri District Local Government Probation Office
(Uganda Chirsitian University, 2024-07-24) Moreen Ahimbisibwe
The study on the effects of early marriage on child development was conducted in Rukungiri district local government through the probation office. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of early marriages on child development in Uganda because various research endeavours had been undertaken to determine the primary cause of early marriages on child development; however, no definitive evidence of a solution to address its effects has been established. Despite the extensive exploration of early marriages and their impact on child development in Uganda, there remained a notable gap in the existing literature regarding the long-term psychological and socio-economic effects of early marriages on children within the Ugandan context. While past studies had addressed related issues, there was a need for a more comprehensive examination of the specific research goals of the current study, particularly in terms of understanding the nuanced and multifaceted impacts of early marriages on child development in Uganda. The search chose the case study research design because it was the most suited for the problem she was investigating. The selection of this specific research design was warranted by the requirement for specific, detailed, and contextual knowledge regarding the subject under investigation. A simple random sampling strategy was used by the researcher and by which, 44 respondents were selected for the study. Thus, when all factors are taken into account, the findings unequivocally showed that early child marriages seriously impair the expectations and dreams of the victims for the future, as well as having a negative effect on children's development. Practically speaking, it was found that the national government does not have any programs specifically created to address social issues such as early child marriages in the communities. However, additional investigation into how to address early marital exposure with a gender-balanced approach has to be done. For instance, it needs to be determined whether all of the young women who marry off too soon are wedded to older men, or whether there is ignorance about young females being coerced into marrying younger boys.
Effect of Staff Development Programmes on Employee Performance in Bugweri district local government
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-25) Rehema Kyanika
This study investigated the effect of staff development programs on employee performance in Bugweri District Local Government. It was guided by the following research objectives: To investigate the impact of employee training on staff performance in Bugweri District Local Government. To evaluate the effect of staff career development on staff performance in Bugweri District Local Government. Finally, the third research objective was to examine the effect of employee performance management on staff performance in Bugweri District Local Government. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design and used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The sample size was 59 and the major data collection methods and tools were questionnaires and interview guides. The study findings revealed that employee training was correlated to employee performance by 3.7% at p = 0.782. In terms of effect, employee training only contributes 0.1% to employee performance at p = 0.782. This implies that employee training is not a significant determination of employee performance in Bugweri District Local Government. The study showed that employee career development was correlated to employee performance by 42.6%. This implies that a unit increase in employee career development improves employee performance by 42.6%. The analysis also revealed that employee career development accounts for 18.1% of employee performance at p=0.001. This shows that employee career development is a significant determinant on employee performance in Bugweri District Local Government. The study established that employee performance management is correlated to employee performance by 42.9% at p= 0.001 in Bugweri District Local Government. This implies that a unit improvement in employee performance management will improve employee performance by 42.8%, in terms of effect, employee performance management accounts for employee performance by 18.4% at p=0.001. This shows that employee performance management is a significant factor determining employee performance. The study recommends that: Bugweri district local government should conduct a thorough review of the content and relevance of training programs to ensure they align with the specific needs and priorities of employees and the organization. Bugweri district local government should implement structured Individual Development Plans for employees to identify their career goals, strengths, and areas for development. Bugweri district local government should ensure that performance expectations are clearly communicated to employees through well-defined job descriptions, key performance indicators (KPIs), and performance objectives.
Feeding Programs on Students’ Learning in Government-Aided Primary Schools in Bungokho Sub County, Mbale District
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-25) Norah Watsemba
This study was carried out Bungokho Sub County on the effect of feeding programs on students learning in Government Primary Schools in Bungokho Sub County. It was guided by the following research obejectives: To determine whether food is provided to student’s in Government aided Primary Schools in Bungokho Sub County, to examine the relationship between provision of lunch and students’ learning in Government aided Primary Schools in Bungokho Sub County and lastly to examine the relationship between provision of lunch and students’ learning in Government aided Primary Schools in Bungokho Sub County. The study used both a qualitative and quantitative research design methodology where it considered a sample size of 80 respondents. The study findings revealed that: provision of food to students has an impact on students’ performance of Bungokho Sub-County Mbale District, that provision of food to students helps parents who can’t afford to secure children’s meals which improve their grades, that there is a positive relationship between provision of lunch and students learning in primary schools, that motivating of parents to enroll their children to schools and also pay all the school requirements would help in implantation of school feeding programs and lastly that addressing specific micronutrient deficiencies in school-age children is another strategy that helps in implementing school feeding programs. Study findings concluded that: provision of food to students has an impact on students’ performance, that provision of food to students helps parents who can’t afford to secure children’s meals which improve their grades and lastly that motivating of parents to enroll their children to schools and also pay all the school requirements would help in implantation of school feeding programs. The study recommends that: There should be more investments by different Governments in a number of strategies to reduce on challenges of feeding programs in Schools and lastly that there is need for the community and societies to begin being part of the group that try solve the challenges of feeding programs in schools through provision of food items.
Integrated Financial Management System and Financial Accountability in Uganda Local Government: A case study of Kumi district local government
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-25) Charles Olupot
This research will be conducted at Kumi District Local Government on the integrated financial management systems and financial accountability in Uganda local governments. The study was guided by the following objectives: 1) To examine how IFMS has ensured accountability and the use of public Resources in Kumi District Local Government, 2) To establish how IFMS has ensured automation of financial information reporting in Kumi District Local Government, and 3) To analyze how IFMS has ensured value for money in service delivery in Kumi District Local Government. The study used a cross-sectional research design. The researcher embraced both positivism phenomenological approaches called combination approach, using hypothesis testing and explaining, also using both quantitative and qualitative information. The study population was 108 people with a sample of 85 respondents. The study revealed that 68(85%) of the respondents generally agreed that there is improved recording of government financial transactions. 65(81.3%) generally agreed that the processing of government financial transactions has improved in Kumi District Local Government. Results obtained also indicated that majority of the respondents 53(66.3%) generally agreed that processing through IFMS is done on real time.63 (78.8%) generally agreed that IFMS automatically updates accounting and financial records of Kumi District Local Government when required. The study further revealed that majority of the respondents 55(68.8%) generally agreed that IFMS has helped departments in Kumi District Local Government to achieve their objectives. 36(45%) however, said that IFMS does not ensure compliance with internal laws and regulations of Kumi District Local Government. 44(55%) said that IFMS has not ensured proper asset management in Kumi District Local Government. The study recommended that there is need to improve on control over expenditure in the budget cycle as a whole to ensure accountability in the handling and use of public resources in Kumi District Local Government. The District management should empower citizens to hold their leaders accountable as regards service delivery and provide information to the citizens about decisions made and how public money is being spent. The management of the District should ensure that there is strict compliance with internal laws and regulations of Kumi District Local Government.
Effect of Leadership Styles on Employee Performance in Sironko District
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-25) Malvin Sarah Nafuna
The research was undertaken to investigate the effect of leadership styles on employee performance in Sironko district. It was guided by three objectives; to determine the effect of autocratic leadership on employee performance of Sironko district. to analyze the effect of democratic leadership on employee performance of Sironko district, to assess the effect of coaching leadership on employee performance of Sironko district. The researcher used a sample size of 63 respondents and used questionnaires and interview guides to collect data and later the data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results of the first objective showed that autocratic leadership has a significant effect on employee performance in the Sironko district. Supported by the following responses; 54% were positive to the statement that autocratic leaders tend to discourage employee input and restrict creativity; 62% were positive to the statement that autocratic leaders tend to set clear expectations and provide specific directions; 61% of the respondents were positive to the statement that autocratic leadership style restricts the flow of ideas and inhibits employee creativity and innovation. The results of the second objective revealed that democratic leadership has a significant effect on employee performance in the Sironko district. Supported by the following responses; 56% of the respondents were positive to the statement that democratic leadership plays a crucial role in empowering employees and fostering their autonomy, and 80% of the respondents were positive to the statement that democratic leadership enhances employee performance in terms of creativity and innovation. Results of the third objective showed that coaching leadership has a significant effect on employee performance in the Sironko district. 62% forming the majority of respondents were positive to the statement that coaching leaders, who promote autonomy, provide support, and facilitate skill development foster higher levels of employee engagement, 51% had a positive response to the statement that coaching leadership not only directly improves employee performance but also indirectly enhances it by empowering employees. There is a need for the Sironko district to promote a supportive work environment by fostering a positive work environment by encouraging open communication, mutual respect, and teamwork. Autocratic leaders should strive to build trust and create an atmosphere where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns.
Contribution of Technical Supervision on Delivery of Health Care Services in Namatala Health Center IV in Mbale City
(2024-07-25) Christopher Buyela
Technical supervision provides clinical oversight and guidance to healthcare providers, ensuring that medical practices adhere to evidence-based guidelines, protocols, and standards of care. This study assessed the effect of technical on the delivery of health care services in Namatala Health Center IV in Mbale City. Specifically, the study investigated the effect of spot supervision on the delivery of health care services, the effect of performance improvement initiatives on the delivery of health care services as well as evaluation of routine supervision on the delivery of health care services in Namatala Health Center IV in Mbale city. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This design was preferred because according to Kigenyi (2017) a descriptive research design is useful in collecting views from a large sample. Since the researcher intended to obtain in-depth data about the effect of technical supervision on the delivery of health care services in Namatala Health Center IV, a descriptive survey research design was appropriate. The researcher collected data from 142 respondents in the study area who were selected using simple random and purpose sampling and questionnaires together with an interview guide were used to collect data from study subjects. The study found that seventy-six per cent of the respondents agreed with the opinion that routine supervision has significantly improved the quality of patient care at this health centre whereas 5% were in disagreement with the idea and only 19% of the respondents were not sure whether routine supervision has significantly improved the quality of patient care at this health centre. Additionally, study findings also showed ninety-two per cent of the respondents were in agreement with the opinion that performance improvement initiatives have improved patient satisfaction at Namatala Health Centre IV and those who disagreed represented 5%. 3% of the respondents were not certain whether performance improvement initiatives have improved patient satisfaction at Namatala Health Centre IV. The study recommended that authorities in Namatala Health Center IV should develop a structured schedule for spot supervision visits to ensure they occur more frequently and predictably. This would help maintain consistency and reliability in the supervision process. Furthermore, the authorities in the Health Center should provide comprehensive training for supervisors to improve their skills and effectiveness. Training should focus on best practices, communication skills, and methods for providing constructive feedback. They should also introduce standardized protocols and checklists for supervisors to use during their visits. These tools will help ensure that clinical guidelines and protocols are consistently followed.
Influence of Safety on Tourism Destination choice.case Study of Queen Elizabeth National Park Queen Elizabeth National Park.
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-26) Daphine Akankunda
The study investigated the impact of safety on tourists' destination choices, focusing on Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) in Uganda. The objectives included assessing the role of destination image and familiarity, current safety measures, and the relationship between safety and destination choice. Using a mixed-method approach, the study sampled 91 tourists, park officials, and local community members through random and purposive sampling. Results indicated that destination image (β = 0.492, p = 0.000) and safety (β = 0.455, p = 0.000) significantly influenced destination choice, while familiarity (β = 0.051, p = 0.601) did not. The findings highlight the importance of a positive destination image and effective safety measures in attracting tourists. Recommendations include enhancing destination image through strategic branding, investing in safety infrastructure, promoting sustainable tourism, and encouraging cultural interactions to enrich tourist experiences and foster loyalty.
A Project Report for COFARM
(2024-03) Jonathan Ariel Muyeti
The coffee industry frequently has difficulties with fair pricing, market access, and communication between buyers and farmers, especially in areas like Uganda. The present dissertation delves into the creation and execution of COFARM, a mobile application that aims to strengthen coffee farmer unions and augment their revenue streams by establishing a connection between producers and consumers. The report lists the main difficulties that coffee farmer unions confront, such as their restricted distribution options, confusing price structures, and communication gaps. In order to address these issues and advance sustainable practices, COFARM will be developed through extensive study and stakeholder participation. The primary goals of COFARM are to create an intuitive marketplace, apply open pricing policies, and enable direct connection between buyers and producers. Coffee farmer unions can post their products on the marketplace with thorough descriptions and information about their origins, and safe payment gateways guarantee easy transactions. Long-term partnerships and trust are fostered by transparent pricing algorithms, which take market trends and quality into account. A communication platform also facilitates real-time negotiation and interaction, which improves relationship-building and personalized orders. This study is important because it might strengthen coffee farmer unions, advance fair trade and transparency, and provide small-scale growers with more access to markets. COFARM seeks to support the sustainability and economic success of the coffee industry in Uganda and abroad by offering a digital solution that is customized to meet the demands of coffee buyers and growers.
Effect of Gender Discrimination on Women’s Participation in Development Activities in Bumbo Town Council, Namisindwa District
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-16) Shamimu Nabulobi
This research report was undertaken to examine the effect of gender discrimination on women's participation in development activities in Bumbo Town Council, Namisidwa District. It was guided by three objectives; to assess the effect of social cultural norms on women’s participation in development activities of Bumbo Town Council, to analyze the effect of gender based violence on women's participation in development activities of Bumbo Town Council, to determine the effect of economic disparities on women's participation in development activities of Bumbo Town Council. The researcher used a sample size of 63 respondents and used questionnaires and interview guide to collect data and later the data was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Results of the first objective showed that social cultural norms have a significant effect on women’s participation in development activities of Bumbo Town Council. Supported by the following responses; 54% were positive to the statement that social cultural norms often prioritize the education of boys over girls; 62% were positive to the statement that cultural expectations that prioritize women's care giving roles limit their time and resources for engaging in income-generating activities; 61% of the respondents were positive to the statement that cultural norms position women as passive participants in decision-making processes. Results of the second objective revealed that gender based violence has a significant effect on women's participation in development activities of Bumbo Town Council. Supported by the following responses; 56% of the respondents were positive to the statement that gender based violence limits women's opportunities for employment, reduces their earnings, and restricts their access to financial resources. Results of the third objective showed that economic disparities have a significant effect on women's participation in development activities of Bumbo Town Council. 75% were positive to the statement that unequal access to education and skill development opportunities due to economic disparities hinder women's capability to engage in development activities. The government should implement campaigns and workshops to educate communities about gender equality, women's rights, and the negative impact of violence against women.
A Critical Analysis of the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill, 2023
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-06-23) Maria Mirembe Aliba
This study is about Assisted Reproductive Technology, a cure for both primary and secondary infertility. Uganda has no law that provides for ART however a bill was brought by Hon.Sarah Opendi to provide got a legal framework for ART. The author in this thesis, critically anayzed the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill, 2023 from a human rights perspective.
Effects of Saving Groups on People’s Soci-Economic Well Being in Northern City Division, Mbale City
(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-15) Janati Shisa
Despite of government effort to support saving groups due to their proximity and benefits to members, many people still experience low socio-economic wellbeing. This study assessed the impact of saving groups on people’s socio-economic wellbeing in Northern City division of Mbale City in Mbale district of Eastern Uganda. Specifically the study investigated how participation in saving groups affects income levels and overall financial stability of individuals in the Northern City Division of Mbale and the extent to which saving groups have contributed to community development and social cohesion within Northern City Division of Mbale. Also the study established ways of solving the effects of saving groups on socio-economic well-being of people in Northern City division. The study used cross-sectional design to analyze data from the study area with the help of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The researcher collected data from 80 respondents in the study area who were selected using simple random and purpose sampling and questionnaires together with interview guide were used to collect data from study subjects. The study found that participatory approach to financial management empowers individuals particularly those in underserved communities to invest in income-generating activities, cope with emergencies, and build assets and saving group participation facilitates asset accumulation and financial resilience among individuals, leading to enhanced socio-economic well-being. Also, participation in saving groups fosters financial discipline and savings habits among individuals, which positively influence income levels and financial stability and saving group participation provides individuals with access to affordable credit, which can be utilized for productive investments and income-generating activities. Additionally, empowerment through access to finance where saving groups empower individuals, particularly women, by providing access to financial resources and decision-making opportunities and asset accumulation and poverty alleviation where the accumulation of assets through saving groups is postulated to contribute to poverty alleviation and enhanced socio-economic well-being. access to credit and financial inclusion where the provision of credit through saving groups is believed to enhance financial inclusion and socio-economic well-being and income diversification and risk management whereby pooling resources and engaging in collective savings, members can mitigate economic vulnerabilities associated with unpredictable incomes and external shocks. The researcher recommended that one potential solution to address the effects of saving groups on socio-economic well-being is to enhance financial literacy and education initiatives within these groups and promoting access to formal financial services alongside saving group participation can enhance socio-economic well-being by providing individuals with a broader range of financial products and services. Other recommendation include fostering entrepreneurship and business development initiatives within saving groups can contribute to socio-economic well-being by creating employment opportunities and stimulating economic growth and strengthening social networks and community cohesion within saving groups can enhance socio-economic well-being by promoting resource sharing, collaboration, and mutual support among members. Also integrating savings-led approaches into broader development interventions can enhance the impact of saving groups on socio-economic well-being by addressing structural barriers and promoting systemic change.