Sexual Violence Faced by Female Journalits in the Media Houses of Uganda

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Uganda Christian University


Northeastern University [2013] in the United States describes sexual violence as the non-welcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. And in Greece the laws state that sexual violence is a form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal and physical conduct of any sexual nature happening with the purpose of violating a person’s dignity and in addition creating a hostile, degrading and humiliating space. [Fasting et al, 214]. In Uganda, the Employment Regulation [2012] states that sexual violence as a direct request to an employee for sexual togetherness. Sexual contact and any other form of sexual activity that involves express promise of preferential, threat of detrimental treatment in employment and threat about the present or future employment status. This kind of practice according to the regulation can mean the use of language, it does not matter if it is spoken, of a sexual nature such as unnecessary verbal advances, sexual comments, jokes of a sexual nature, offensive obscene and flirtation expressions that are pointed directly to an individual. Sometimes it the use of visual content of a sexual nature for example sexually displayed pictures, sexually written material and gestures. Sexual violence of female journalists in the media houses can be taken as a gender study and this is so because in period of the World War II, media studies were put into four major areas, the communicator, message, medium and receiver. Now since this study deals with the sender or communicator it qualifies to be under the media studies. It is great to note that scholars in the past decided to put more attention to studying the message, medium, receiver and effect giving less attention to the communicator yet an effect on any of the four in the communication chain may actually affect the final message.


Undergraduate Research

