Motivation and Employee Performance at Coca-cola Company Limited

dc.contributor.authorBridget Kwiocwiny
dc.descriptionThis is a dissertation.
dc.description.abstractThe research was intended to examine the impact of motivation on employee performance. The research was basically carried out to determine the level of effect motivation as on employee performance. Managers and leaders spent a great time on how to motivate employees. They informed and explain the organization vision to employee and influence them to behave in ways that ensure achievement of organizational goal, through motivation. Various scholars explain and define the concept of motivation differently and many scholars come up with theories concerning motivation and they include Victor H. Vroom theory of motivation. Hertzberg two factor theory of motivation and expectancy theory of motivation among others One of the greatest challenges to the organization is to make all employees contribute to the success of the organization in a moral and socially responsible way. Due to dynamic and competitive organizational environment, organizations need to realize the importance and value of employees. The main purpose of the study is to establish the relationship between employees' motivation and their performance towards the organization. The research was carried out to see if there is any link between motivation and performance and which one will lead to the other. There are three main research objectives and they include; the factors that influence employee motivation, the challenge organization face as they implement motivation and the effect motivation has on employees' performance. The study reviewed literature written by scholars in relation to employees' motivation and their performance in coca Cola Company limited. Among the scholar who contributed to motivation was Victor H. Vroom expectancy theory of motivation. Hertzberg two factor theory of motivation among others The researcher used quantitative and qualitative method that will help her obtain data and information which may be applicable in other organizations. In this case systematic random sampling and stratus sampling was used to select the sample done by the researcher herself, questionnaires were given to the employees of coca cola company to fill in with the help of the researcher. The data obtained in the field has been concerning the impact of motivation on employee performance in coca Cola Company has been analyzed, interpreted by either using tabulation. Finally, the impact of motivation has on employees performance has been discussed by considering the factor, the morale employees and the effect motivation has on employees' performance as well as the challenges organizations face during motivation of employees. The research concluded that the employees should be given the factors that motivate them highly. It has been recommended that the researcher has to come up with various suggestions and recommendations to policy makers and future researchers to combat the issues.
dc.publisherUganda Christian University
dc.titleMotivation and Employee Performance at Coca-cola Company Limited


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