Bachelor of Development and Social Entrepreneurship

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    The Growth and Development of Small-Scale Enterprises Among the Youth: A Case Study of Mbuga Village, Mbarara District.
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-09-13) Levi Baingana
    This study assessed the factors that have hindered the growth and development of small scale enterprises in Mbuga village, to identify the limiting factors for the growth and development of small scale enterprises and to examine possible solutions to the slow growth and development of small scale enterprise of Mbuga village in Mbarara district. The study took a cross-sectional design where both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used in the facts that provides wide range of valid responses, no limits were put to respondents, many respondents participated at the same time and also enabled the researcher to understand first, analyze and reveal data in a more meaningful way however, quantitative data was used to provide numerical analysis in terms of frequencies and percentage composition as a way of measuring incidental effects or influence between different variables. A sample size of 50 respondents was used who were expected to provide reliable findings to the study questions administered to them. The study examined the causes of slow growth and development of small scale enterprises in Mbuga village in Mbarara district and findings revealed that inadequate education and training by the business owners to their employees, poor accounting practices, higher transaction costs, lack of market opportunity, stiff competition among SME owners, lack of enabling environment like competition inadequate management like business knowledge, government policies inform of heavy taxes, inadequate land for expansion, lack of improved infrastructures inform of roads and lack of market opportunity was also revealed among the limiting factors to the growth and development of small scale and medium enterprises. The study went ahead to assess the possible solutions to the limitation to the growth and development of small scale and medium enterprises in Mbuga village in Mbarara district. The findings revealed the necessity of equitable allocation of raw materials, improvement in techniques of production, adequate funding through bank loans and subsidies, government to emphasize export strategy to widen the market, improving on government policies like imposing appropriate taxes and giving subsidies, improving on the techniques of production to replace automated equipment and ensuring customer retention through building customer loyalty.
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    Gender Stereotypes and Women's Participation in Leadership Positions at Mukono District Local Government
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-09-18) Amos Ongee
    The study looked at how gender stereotypes affect the participation of women in leadership positionsin the Mukono District Local Government (MDLG). Its main objectives were to identify the prevalent gender preconceptions that have an impact on women's participation in leadership roles and to investigate how these stereotypes have affected women's engagement in leadership roles in Mukono District Local Government. The study was conducted utilizing a cross-sectional survey research design that also included qualitative and quantitative research methods. Both purposive and simple random sampling approaches were utilized to acquire the data through the use of questionnaires and interviews. The survey also included six department heads and a sample size of 80 respondents who are female employees of the Community Based Services Directorate at MDLG. The study findings highlighted the deeply entrenched gender stereotypes in MDLG that hinder women's progress in leadership. These stereotypes create a double bind, forcing women to navigate conflicting expectations and biases, limiting their access to support and fair treatment. This results in significant obstacles for women in attaining leadership roles and their underrepresentation in decision-making positions. Moreover, these stereotypes perpetuate a hostile work environment, raise legal and ethical concerns, and negatively impact team productivity and morale. Addressing these ingrained stereotypes is essential for promoting gender equality and fostering inclusive leadership in MDLG and similar organizations. Finally, the study recommended MDLG to take proactive measures, including regular gender sensitization workshops, mentorship programs, gender-neutral recruitment and promotion policies, safe reporting mechanisms, leadership training, promotion of inclusive leadership, and a commitment to gender equality. Additionally, public awareness campaigns should be initiated to challenge and change gender stereotypes in the broader community. These actions aim to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment, empower women in leadership, and address the deeply rooted gender stereotypes identified in the study.
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    Impact of Unemployment on the Mental Health of Youth Living in Nabuti, Mukono District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-09-21) Derrick Mpanga
    The study analysed the impact of unemployment among the youth on their mental health in Nabutii in Mukono district. It specifically focused on; identifying the causes of unemployment among the youth in Nabuti, examining the effects of unemployment on mental health of the youth in Nabuti and identifying the measures that can be taken reduce the level of unemployment among the youth residing in Nabuti in Mukono district and hence improving their mental health. The study was conducted utilizing a cross-sectional survey research design that also included qualitative and quantitative research methods. Both purposeful and straightforward random sampling approaches were utilized to acquire the data through the use of questionnaires and interviews. The survey also included a sample of 50 participants, including young leaders, the chairman of LC1, residents of Nabuti between the ages of 25 and 35, and medical professionals from Mukono Health Centre IV. From the findings, it was revealed that youth unemployment’s complex causes include; limited job opportunities, inadequate education and skills training, and discriminatory hiring practices, with discrimination and skills-job mismatch being prominent issues. It emphasized the urgent need for mental health support for unemployed youth due to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. The study suggests a multifaceted approach, including vocational training, job creation, counseling, entrepreneurship promotion, industry-education partnerships, and mentorship, to address youth unemployment comprehensively and ensure both economic stability and the well-being of the region’s youth. Finally, the study recommended a multi-pronged approach to combat youth unemployment in Nabuti, Mukono district, including addressing job market discrimination, expanding vocational training and education, enhancing networking opportunities, creating job listing platforms, bridging the skills-job mismatch, providing tailored mental health support, promoting entrepreneurship, strengthening educational-industry partnerships, and establishing mentorship programs to empower and guide youth in their job search and career development.
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    The Influence of Food Insecurity on Women's and Girls Livelihood: A Case Study of Gumbo Sherikat in Juba, South Sudan
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-09-18) Marliyn Anjoa Johnson. J
    This study was about food insecurity in Gumbo Sherikat, South Sudan, with a focused examination of its profound influence on women and girls’ livelihood. This study was directed by objectives which included assessing the different causes of food insecurity in South Sudan, examining the influence of food insecurity on women and girls’ livelihood, education, health, household chores, social status, security and understanding the coping mechanisms they employed to cope up with the effects of food insecurity. The methodology of this study involved use of Cross-sectional research design. It was revealed that the study's comprehensive exploration into the causative factors, influence on women and girls’ livelihood, and coping strategies emphasizes the urgency for comprehensive interventions. This is because the region's food security landscape emerges as a mosaic shaped by conflict, poverty, agricultural constraints, climatic shifts, and the echoes of the Covid-19 pandemic. Their coping strategies reflect not only their resilience but also the agonizing choices they are forced to make for survival. Therefore, it can be concluded by elucidating the diverse dimensions of food insecurity and its effects on vulnerable populations, the study advocates for a holistic approach that empowers women and girls, promoting sustainable food security and well-being in Gumbo. These multifaceted challenges deserve not only immediate food access but also the structural factors. Also, these findings require integrated interventions that will address both immediate food access and the underlying systemic issues. Finally, the study recommends a need to provide for conflict resolution &peace building, agricultural diversification, poverty alleviation program, social safety nets, climate resilient strategies, integrated health and education initiatives in order to save the women and girls’ livelihood from the influence of food insecurity.
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    Exploring the Effect of Unemployment on Crime Rates Among Youth in Mukono Central Division, Mukono district
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-09-15) Karen White Kipwola
    The study's goal was to investigate how youth crime rates in Mukono Central Division, Mukono District, are affected by unemployment. The study's goals included assessing the factors that contribute to youth unemployment and its causes, examining the effects of unemployment on crime rates, and developing strategies to lower both rates. The study employed the use of a cross-sectional research design which involved the use of both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The sample totaled 118 individuals, including unemployed youth, police officers, division political leaders, the town clerk, the mayor, and a community development officer. These were deliberately and randomly selected. Information was gathered via questionnaires, focus group discussion guides, and interview guides. Thematic content analysis was used to examine the qualitative data, and SPSS was used for statistical analysis. According to study findings, the main causes of youth unemployment and the variables influencing it in Mukono Central Division are skill mismatches between the educational system and employers' expectations, restricted access to financial capital, insufficient or lack of skills to join the informal sector, and rural-urban migration. It also demonstrated that youth unemployment leads to destitution, which later encourages criminal activity as a means of income, that high unemployment rates are "push factors" for young people to join gangs and commit robberies or participate in political violence, that the lack of options for legal employment forces youth to engage in illegal activities, and that youth inaction, which lengthens the period of unemployment, contributes to an increase in violent crimes. These are the key conclusions. In the end, it was determined that education, the introduction of welfare benefits specifically for unemployed youth, the participation of unemployed youth in entrepreneurial training and skills development, and the government's commitment to combating youth unemployment by launching programs like youth funds are the main ways to reduce youth unemployment and wrongdoings in Mukono Central Division. However, it can be inferred from the study's results that unemployment has an impact on juvenile misbehavior in Mukono Central Division.
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    Wash and Menstrual Hygiene Management in Primary Schools in Kiryadongo District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-09-15) Hellen Laku Poni
    The studyinvestigated the effect of inadequate WASH facilities on menstrual hygiene management among teenage girls in primary schools in Kiryandongo district. It specifically focused on; explored the menstrual hygiene practices of teenage girls in primary schools, established the WASH interventions in primary schools for menstrual hygiene management and examined the challenges preventing teenage girls in primary schools from accessing WASH facilities and menstrual hygiene products in Kiryandongo district. A descriptive survey research design was employed for the study, along with both quantitative and qualitative research methods. To collect that data we used questionnaires and interviews with straightforward and purposeful random sampling. Although only 120 people replied to the survey, including the school administration, it included 133 respondents who were teenage girls in grades P.6 and P.7 who were menstruating in the three chosen UPE primary schools in the Kiryandongo district. From the findings, it was revealed that there is generally positive trend in menstrual hygiene practices among teenage girls in primary schools in Kiryandongo district, emphasizing proper hygiene and the use of sanitary pads. However, significant challenges persist, including inadequate sanitation infrastructure, insufficient water supply, and difficulties in accessing menstrual hygiene products. Moreover, the lack of awareness and comprehensive education on menstrual hygiene, coupled with the prevalence of teasing and stigma, create barriers for these girls. To address these challenges effectively and ensure the well-being of teenage girls, there is an urgent need for improved infrastructure, water supply, awareness, and comprehensive education on menstrual hygiene, as well as addressing financial barriers and fostering a supportive and stigma-free environment. The study recommended that a comprehensive approach to enhance menstrual hygiene management among teenage girls in primary schools in Kiryandongo district. This includes prioritizing the construction of clean and private toilets for girls, ensuring consistent water supply, providing menstrual hygiene products, incorporating menstrual hygiene education, fostering a stigma-free environment, addressing financial constraints, implementing monitoring mechanisms, engaging the community, and involving government agencies and NGOs.
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    The Growth and Development of Small-Scale Enterprises Among the Youth: A Case Study of Mbuga Village, Mbarara District.
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-09-04) Levi Baingana
    This study assessed the factors that have hindered the growth and development of small scale enterprises in Mbuga village, to identify the limiting factors for the growth and development of small scale enterprises and to examine possible solutions to the slow growth and development of small scale enterprise of Mbuga village in Mbarara district. The study took a cross-sectional design where both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used in the facts that provides wide range of valid responses, no limits were put to respondents, many respondents participated at the same time and also enabled the researcher to understand first, analyze and reveal data in a more meaningful way however, quantitative data was used to provide numerical analysis in terms of frequencies and percentage composition as a way of measuring incidental effects or influence between different variables. A sample size of 50 respondents was used who were expected to provide reliable findings to the study questions administered to them. The study examined the causes of slow growth and development of small scale enterprises in Mbuga village in Mbarara district and findings revealed that inadequate education and training by the business owners to their employees, poor accounting practices, higher transaction costs, lack of market opportunity, stiff competition among SME owners, lack of enabling environment like competition inadequate management like business knowledge, government policies inform of heavy taxes, inadequate land for expansion, lack of improved infrastructures inform of roads and lack of market opportunity was also revealed among the limiting factors to the growth and development of small scale and medium enterprises. The study went ahead to assess the possible solutions to the limitation to the growth and development of small scale and medium enterprises in Mbuga village in Mbarara district. The findings revealed the necessity of equitable allocation of raw materials, improvement in techniques of production, adequate funding through bank loans and subsidies, government to emphasize export strategy to widen the market, improving on government policies like imposing appropriate taxes and giving subsidies, improving on the techniques of production to replace automated equipment and ensuring customer retention through building customer loyalty.