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    Effects of School Environmental Factors on Girl-Child Stay in School in Primary Schools in Busoba Sub County Mbale District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-06) Musame Zachary
    The purpose of this study was to establish effects of school environmental factors on girl child stay in school in Busoba sub county, Mbale district. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to establish how teacher-pupil relationship affects girl-child stay in primary schools in Busoba Sub County, Mbale district; to find out how sanitation facilities affect girl-child stay in primary schools in Busoba Sub County, Mbale district; and to investigate how school location affects girl-child stay in primary schools in Busoba Sub County, Mbale district. The study used a descriptive survey design. The design was chosen on the rationale that it could be carried out within a short period of time since it was cross sectional. The Target population was 283, which comprised 74 teachers and 209 pupils. The study used simple random sampling to select pupils from primary six from the target schools. Stratified sampling was used to cater for gender differences. The total sample was 191 respondents, comprising 132 pupils and 59 teachers. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from 132 pupils. The researcher collected data from 59 teachers using interview guides. The quantitative data was analyzed and tabulated using descriptive statistics including frequency tables and percentages. The qualitative data was processed through thematic analysis. The findings show that teacher-pupil relationship and girl-child stay in primary schools are linked. A total of 67% of the respondents agreed that teachers can motivate girls to stay in school. This is possible when teachers encourage girls to stay in school, to form good peer groups and to keep consulting teachers for guidance. Girls are able to stay in school once there are sufficient toilet facilities. They feel comfortable if they are able to help themselves in privacy, without interference from the boys. During menstruation period, girls need safer and secure sanitation facilities. These enable girls to stay in school. The findings show that schools that are easily accessible increase girl-child stay in school. Girls tend to tire easily on their way to school. Schools which are located within the easy reach of the girl-child tend to favour them in terms of regular school attendance. Basing on the findings, this study concludes that there is a strong relationship between teacher-pupil relationship and girl-child stay in primary schools. This is possible when teachers encourage girls to stay in school, to form good peer groups and to keep consulting teachers for guidance. The study further concludes that girls are able to stay in school once there are sufficient toilet facilities. Basing on the findings, schools that are easily accessible increase girl-child stay in school. Once schools are near girls’ homes, there are chances that they can attend daily, have the midday meal at home and go back for the afternoon lessons. Teachers should promote a cordial relation with girls in primary schools. This can be through regular guidance and counselling programs, involvement of girls in activities and rewarding them where necessary. This will increase their stay in school. Primary schools should ensure that there are sufficient sanitation facilities for both girls. They need safer and secure sanitation facilities to enable them to stay in school. Parents should take their girls to study in schools that are easily accessible. This will reduce risks associated with moving long distances. Girls will be able to stay in school.
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    Influence of Teaching Methodologies on Writing and Reading Abilities in Selected Primary Schools of Bubiita Sub-county, Bududa District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-24) Namutosi Mirriam
    This study examined the influence of teaching methodologies on writing and reading in selected primary schools of Bubiita Sub-County, Bududa District. Teaching methodologies are considered the independent variable, while writing and reading the dependent variable. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of teaching methodologies on writing and reading ability in selected primary schools in Bubiita Sub-County, Bududa District. The study will be guided by three research objectives which include; i) to examine how Learners-focused teaching methodologies that influence writing and reading ability among learners in selected government aided primary schools in Bubiita Sub-County, ii) to find out the extent to which teaching methodologies influence writing and reading ability among the learners in selected government aided primary schools in Bubiita Sub-County and iii) to establish the extent to which Engagement methodologies influence writing and reading ability among the learners in selected government aided primary schools in Bubiita Sub-County. The study used a cross-sectional research design with both qualitative and quantitative approaches, and data was collected from 260 respondents. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS computer software (Version 20) to generate frequencies, percentages. Qualitative data was generated through interviews. Findings of the study revealed that teaching methodologies had statistically insignificant influence on writing and reading ability and this was proposed by 51% of respondents who said that teaching methodologies do not influence writing and reading ability among primary learners in primary schools in Bubiita sub-county. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education, Sports, Science and Technology to have a working policy to foster literacy development in lower primary for teachers in public primary schools since it’s one of the requirements for all school going children. Government could study this teachers’ initiative with a view of improving and supporting the skills. The study also recommended that to improve on the writing and reading ability, it is recommended that education policy makers and implementers establish relevant teaching materials to trigger children’s ability in writing.
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    Influence of Teaching Methodologies on Writing and Reading Abilities in Selected Primary Schools of Bubiita Sub-county, Bududa District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-27) Agwang Stella
    The study examined the “Role of school management committees on the academic performance of learners in primary schools in Ngora Town Council, Ngora District.” The study was guided by the following specific objectives; i) to examine how motivation of teachers by School Management Committees influences pupils’ academic performance in UPE schools; ii) to analyse how monitoring of Schools by the School Management Committees influence pupils’ academic performance in UPE schools; iii) to examine how accountability by the School Management Committees impacts on the pupils’ academic performance in Ngora Town Council, Ngora District. The study used a cross sectional research design and data was collected from 080 respondents using self-administered questionnaires and interviews methods. The study used a cross sectional research design and data was collected from 152 respondents using self-administered questionnaires with both quantitative and qualitative methods. Objective one of the study found out that poor motivation of teachers by the school management committees has negative effect on learners’ academic performance, shown by a very high mean and small standard deviation of (µ = 3.55; SD = 0.48). The high mean implies that lack of motivation of teachers by the SMC influences the academic performance of learners and it hinders their commitment as teachers which affects the progress of learners and the small standard deviation shows that most of the respondents agreed to the item questions in the questionnaire. Objective two of the study found out that lack of effort to monitor the teachers by the SMC members influences the academic performance of learners. The results show a very high mean and small standard deviation of (µ = 3.56; SD = 0.50) which implies that respondents stated that minimal monitoring by the SMC is done in schools which minimizes the active participation and academic performance of learners while the small standard deviation shows that most of the respondents agreed to the item questions in the questionnaire. Objective three of the study found out that there exist poor accountability by the SMC. The results revealed a very high mean and small standard deviation of (µ = 3.56; SD = 0.47) which implies that respondents agreed to the fact that there is poor accountability by the school management committees which influences the academic performance of learners while the small standard deviation depicts that most of the respondents agreed to the item questions in the questionnaire. The study concluded that motivation; monitoring and accountability are serious roles that must be carried out by school management committees and have potential negative effects on the academic performance of learners.
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    Impact of Automatic Promotion on the Academic Performance of Learners in Selected Primary Schools of Bubiita Subcounty, Bududa District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-27) Wambele Karim
    The study was about the “impact of automatic promotion on the academic performance of learners in selected primary schools in Bubiita sub-county Bududa District. The study was guided by the following objectives; to find out the extent to which automatic promotion policy is being implemented in Bubiita; to establish the effect of automatic promotion policy on academic performance in Bubiita sub-county; to establish the measures to improve performance. The study used a descriptive research design. Data was collected from 152 respondents using self-administered questionnaires with both quantitative and qualitative methods. Objective one found out that the extent to which automatic promotion policy was implemented in Uganda was great. Respondents confirmed that automatic promotion demotivates learners. This was leading by 60(39.5%) respondents, followed by the assertion that all learners are promoted to the next class by 40(26.4%), automatic promotion leads to poor grades 30(19.7%), automatic promotion leads to increased dropout which was proposed by 16(10.5%) and that automatic promotion leads to overcrowded classes which was proposed by 06(3.9%). Objective two of the study found out that automatic promotion negatively affects the learner’s future socially and academically which was leading by 58(38.2%), this was followed by the fact that automatic promotion reduces the power of teachers 44(28.9%), automatic promotion does not differentiate between the bright and the dull learners which was proposed by 30(19.7%), 17(11.2%) of the respondents said that automatic promotion lowers the quality of education with 03(02%) of the respondents affirming that automatic promotion policy is for the next class. Objective three of the study revealed that much as automatic promotion affects the academic performance of learners, involvement of both parents and teachers which was proposed by 52(34.2%) was the leading remedy which was followed by health status of the learners 38(25%), this was followed by promoting the children on merit 30(19.7%) , abolishing the automatic promotion policy by 22(14.5%) and creating awareness which was supported by10(6.6%). The study concluded that the extent to which automatic promotion is implemented teachers’ effects of automatic promotion and the measures to improve academic performance in the selected primary schools are serious variables that affect learners’ performance, teachers’ performance and need to be addressed. The study recommended that school administrators sensitize parents on the dangers of automatic promotion in order for them to take right decisions.
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    Impact of Instructional Materials on the Academic Performance of Learners in Social Studies in South Division Kumi Municipal Council, Kumi District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-24) Oguti Augustine
    The study examined “the impact of instructional materials on the academic performance of learners in Social Studies in South Division, Kumi Municipal Council, Kumi District.” The study was guided by the following objectives; to analyze the kinds of instructional materials on the academic performance of learners in Social Studies; to examine the effects of instructional materials on the academic performance of learners in Social Studies. The study used a descriptive research design. Data was collected from 80 respondents using self-administered questionnaires for both quantitative and qualitative methods and interview checklist. This chapter presents findings on the impact of instructional materials on learners’ academic performance of Social Studies in selected public primary schools in South Division, Kumi Municipal Council, Kumi district. The respondents were asked to state the kinds of instructional materials that affect learners’ performance in selected schools. In addition to the above, some respondents supported the issue that instructional materials aid learners to have practical experiences, in line with the findings from the research study, the research instruments used for data collection were relevant as they analyzed the data and ensured reliability and validity of the findings got from the study area, the study focused on the impact of instructional materials on learners’ academic performance of Social Studies in selected public primary schools in South Division, Kumi Municipal Council, Kumi district. From the fore going chapters, it can therefore be evident that instructional materials greatly impacts on the learners’ ability to progress as it acts as a stimulus to faster learning through guided and independent research. Absence of instructional materials leads to poor performance on the side of learners and strains the teachers on time of instruction. It was recommended that management, government and other stakeholders be involved in the monitoring of teachers’ performance in primary schools of South Division, Kumi Municipal Council, Kumi district; head teachers to carry out regular supervision to promote quality teaching and learning, promote control measures that motivate the teachers to improve on their performance; teachers to realize that the use of instructional materials during lessons simplifies content and brings distant events into classroom situations for easy understanding. There is need to intensify monitoring and inspection to encourage teachers to keep track of preparation tools such as lesson plans, schemes of work, lesson notes, and records of work covered, instructional materials to ensure effective delivery and quality education.
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    Impact of Automatic Promotion on the Academic Performance of Learners in Selected Secondary School of Northern City Division, Mbale City
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-23) Kimuli Wobudeya Florence
    The study is about the “impact of automatic promotion on the academic performance of learners in selected secondary schools in Northern City Division Mbale City. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the problems associated with automatic promotion policy; to analyse the teachers’ response on automatic promotion policy; to examine the appropriate measures to the right implementation of automatic promotion policy. The study used a descriptive research design. Data was collected from 152 respondents using self-administered questionnaires and interviews with both quantitative and qualitative methods. Objective one found out that a very high mean and small standard deviation of (μ = 3.55; SD = 0.48) according to the scale used in the study. The high mean implies that pupils recognize the fact that automatic is evident in Northern City Division and the small standard deviation shows that most of the respondents agreed to the item questions in the questionnaire. Objective two of the study found out that a very high mean and small standard deviation of (μ = 3.56; SD = 0.50) according to the scale used in the study. The high mean implies that respondents stated that they do undergo hard times under unrealistic policies such as automatic promotion which minimize their active participation in the teaching and the small standard deviation shows that most of the respondents agreed to the item questions in the questionnaire. Objective three of the study revealed a very high mean and small standard deviation of (μ = 3.56; SD = 0.47) according to the scale used in the study. The high mean implies that respondents agreed to the fact that automatic promotion could be abolished while the small standard deviation depicts that most of the respondents agreed to the item questions in the questionnaire. The study concluded that the problems of automatic promotion, teachers’ response to the policy and the suggestions for mitigation of the policy in the selected secondary schools are serious variables that affect learners’ performance and need to be addressed.
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    The Role of Instructional Materials on the Academic Performance of Learners in the Selected Government Aided Secondary Schools in Ngora Town Council, Ngora
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-24) Okello Aedeke Solomon
    This study examined the role of instructional materials in the selected public secondary schools in Ngora Town Council, Ngora District. This research was based on three objectives including: to examine the effect of instructional materials on students’ performance, to analyse the challenges teachers face in accessing instructional materials and to assess the strategies that teachers use to minimize the challenges of attaining instructional materials. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design. The study population comprised 100 and data was collected from 80 respondents using self-administered questionnaires with both quantitative and qualitative methods. The study used a descriptive research design. This chapter presents and discusses findings from the field. The first objective sought to solicit information from the teachers on the effect of instructional materials on academic performance of learners. Three questions were used to solicit information for this objective. In findings, the researcher wanted to explore the views of teachers and students on the extent to which instructional facilities affect student performance. The study aimed at finding out challenges teachers and students in secondary schools face in accessing and using instructional materials, This section presents the summary, conclusion and the recommendations of the study, From the study findings, it is apparent that many schools in the study area do not use appropriate instructional materials. They do not have instructional materials that the schools need to buy, nor do they improvise their own. The researcher recommends that a study is done on how teachers and students use instructional materials for effective teaching and learning process, It would also require more studies to investigate on the general factors that lead to poor performance in secondary schools.
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    Impact of Feeding Programme on Pupil’s Performance in Mathematics in Government Aided Primary Schools in Nyondo Sub County Mbale District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-11-14) Kwape Martin
    The study concentrated on the impact of feeding programmes on pupil‟s performance in mathematics in Government aided primary schools in Nyondo Sub County Mbale District: the study was carried out in line with the three specific objectives: To find out the influence of feeding programme on pupil‟s performance in Mathematics in government aided primary schools in Nyondo.sub county, Mbale district,To assess the challenges affecting implementation of feeding programmes in government aided primary schools in Nyondo sub county, Mbale district and lastly examine possible measures of improving feeding programmes and pupils performance in Mathematics in government aided primary schools in Nyondo sub county, Mbale district. The study used a mixed research approach which was descriptive in nature and it considered a sample size of 80 respondents. Study findings concluded that: providing breakfast to disadvantaged primary school students improved their performance in mathematics significantly, that feeding programmes face a challenge of insufficient funding, that low educational status of parents is a challenge of implementation of feeding programs, that Promotion of community participation is a measure to improve school feeding programmes, that improving target and coverage is another measure that can improve school feeding programme and lastly that the wide coverage of feeding programmes is a measure to improve their implementation. The study recommends that: There should be more investments by different Governments in a number of strategies so that feeding programmes are effective in schools and lastly that there is need to sensitize the community and parents about the importance of children having better feeding programmes.
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    The Impact of a Studio on Art and Design Study in Selected Secondary Schools in Northern City Division Mbale City
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-27) Magombe Hassan
    The study sought to establish the impact of a studio on art and design study in selected secondary schools in northern city division, Mbale city. The study was guided by three objectives; first, to establish the impact of art studio on art and design studies in selected secondary schools in northern city division in Mbale city second, to determine the impact of design studio on art and design studies in selected secondary schools in northern city division in Mbale city, third, to examine the influence of work studio on art and design studies in selected secondary schools in northern city division in Mbale city. The study employed a mixed-method, involving a cross-sectional survey design in which both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. Interview guides and questionnaires were used as research instruments for the study. Study respondents included deputy headteachers, director of studies, teachers and students. The study considered a population of 120 respondents from which a sample of 80 was adopted for the study however on distributing questionnaires to the respondents, 80 questionnaires and 8 interview guides only were returned and these were considered for data analysis. According to the findings on the impact of a studio on art and design study in selected secondary schools in northern city division, Mbale city, it was recommended that, there is need for establishment of studios, provision of professional development programs, and incentives to teachers.
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    Impact of Teacher Absenteeism on Academic Performance of Learners in Selected Secondary Schools of Sibanga Sub-county Manafwa District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-10-25) Walukhuli Luke Wabula
    This study examined the impact of teacher absenteeism on the academic performance of learners in selected secondary schools of Sibanga Sub-County, Manafwa District. The study was guided by the following objectives; i) to identify the causes of teacher absenteeism, ii) to examine the impact of teacher absenteeism on the academic performance of learners and iii) to establish the strategies on how absenteeism can be eliminated to improve on learners’ performance in Sibanga Sub-County, Manafwa District. The sample size of 361 respondents was drawn from sampled secondary schools of Sibanga Sub-county, Manafwa District in accordance with Krejcie and Morgan (1970). This involved 6 head teachers, 92 teachers, 165 learners, 98 parents. The study employed a descriptive design where both quantitative and qualitative approaches was used. The questionnaires was administered to teachers and head teachers, interviews guides was used to collect data from parents while focused group discussions was used on learners. The findings of the study were presented in tables and analysed descriptively. The study concluded teacher absenteeism greatly affects learners’ performance in all aspects. The study recommended that teachers needed to be rewarded to help in reinforcing their performance. The government should also strengthen the inspection teams of the central and local governments by employing more inspectors of schools and increasing the required resources needed for them to function effectively.
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    The Influence of Multiple Loans on Teachers’ Professional Performance in Primary Schools of Industrial City Division Mbale City
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-11-02) Doreen Kharunda
    The study investigated the impact of multiple loans on teacher professional performance in selected primary schools of Industrial Division, Mbale City. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine the effects of multiple loans on teachers’ planning of teaching, the effects of multiple loans on teachers’ delivery of teaching and to assess the effects of multiple loans on teachers’ assessment of learning in primary schools in Industrial Division Mbale City. The study employed descriptive design where both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. Findings from the study were presented in tables, pie charts, and analyzed descriptively. The findings divulged that respondents were aware of the dangers associated with multiple loans on teacher professional performance, inadequate time, inadequate preparation, lack of entrepreneurial skills and improper usage of multiple loans. Multiple loans lead to poverty, teacher negligence, loss of self-respect and poor standards of living. It was also unearthed that a strong correlation exists between primary school teachers’ multiple loans and professional teachers’ performance. The researcher recommended for refresher courses to equip teachers with entrepreneurial skills, create income generating projects that supplement them with an additional income alongside monthly salaries, intensify monitoring, daily inspection to encourage teachers to keep track of preparation tools such as lesson plans, schemes of work, lesson notes, and records of work covered among others to ensure effective delivery and quality education.
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    Teacher Motivation and Girl’s Performance in Mathematics in Primary Schools: A Case Study of Maefe Sub County Manafwa District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-11-08) Mayanza James
    The research study concentrated on teacher motivation and girls performance in Mathematics in primary schools in Maefe Sub County Manafwa District and it was guided by three specific objectives: To investigate the effect of teacher motivation on girl‟s performance in Mathematics in primary schools in Maefe sub county, Manafwa District, to examine challenges affecting teacher motivation and girl‟s performance in Mathematics in primary schools in Maefe sub county, Manafwa district and lastly to assess interventions for enhancing teacher motivation and girl‟s performance in Mathematics in primary schools in Maefe Sub county, Manafwa district. The study used a descriptive research design which was both qualitative and quantitative and considered a sample size of 80 respondents. Study findings concluded that: lack of teacher motivation affects understanding of subject matter by girl students, the study also concluded that lack of teacher motivation contributes to inefficiency of the educational system and lower subject score in Mathematics by girls, that Poor work environments that are not favourable affect teacher motivation, that rewarding teachers can work as a measure to improve girl‟s performance in mathematics, that improving teacher remuneration can help in improving girls performance in mathematics. The study recommends that: There should be more investments by different Governments in a number of strategies to improve teacher motivation such that student‟s performance can be improved upon and lastly that there is need for teachers to go for further studies such that they can understand how to ethically handle different children that they teach.
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    Inclusive Education Policy and Achievement of Students With Disability in Selected Secondary Schools in Mbale City
    (Mayor Feston, 2024) Mayor Feston
    This study sought to investigate the influence of inclusive education policy on school achievement of students with disability in selected schools in Mbale City. The study objectives were; To determine the effectiveness of specialized teaching on students with disabilities' school achievement in selected secondary schools in Mbale city; To determine the effectiveness of inclusive physical infrastructure on students with disabilities' school achievement in selected secondary schools in Mbale city; To determine the effectiveness of inclusive Curriculum on students with disabilities' school achievement in selected secondary schools in Mbale city. The study population was 100 respondents from the three selected secondary schools in Mbale City. The study employed stratified random sampling techniques in coming up with a sample size of 80 respondents. The primary data collection methods used was a questionnaire and interview guide which was used to collect data. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics in SPSS version 20. Linear and Multiple regression analysis were also used to determine the effect of the independent variables on dependent variables. The study found that Specialized teaching was significant in predicting student's Achievement with R Square = 0.600 (0.600*100 = 60.0%) with a p-value = 0.000<0.05. The regression coefficient of inclusive physical infrastructure was positive and significant in predicting the student achievement. Further the study found that Advocacy for educational resource had R Square = 0.800 (0.800*100 = 80.0%) with a pvalue = 0.000<0.05. The regression coefficient of Advocacy for educational resource was positive and significant in predicting student achievement. The study further found that inclusive curriculum had significant effect in predicting student achievement with p-values of 0.001 less than 0.05, R Square = 0.360 (0.360*100 = 36.0%). Special teaching is the least contributor to student achievement at schools in Mbale city with a Beta value of 0.790 at 0.000 level of significance. This implies that special teaching has a positive and significant effect on student achievement. This therefore answers the research question which stated that „what is the effect of special teaching on student achievement in secondary schools in Mbale city? Inclusive physical infrastructure is the second contributor to student achievement at schools in Mbale city with a Beta value of 0.890 at 0.000 level of significance. This means that Inclusive physical infrastructure is the second important contributor to student achievement. The findings further reveal a positive and significant effect of inclusive physical infrastructure on student achievement. This therefore answers the second research question which stated that what is the effect of inclusive physical infrastructure on student achievement in secondary schools in Mbale city? Inclusive curriculum is the greatest contributor to student achievement in at schools in Mbale district with a Beta value of 0.911 at 0.001 level of significance. This implies that inclusive curriculum has a positive and significant effect on student achievement. This therefore answers the third research question which stated that „what is the effect of inclusive curriculum on student achievement in secondary schools in Mbale district? The management of schools should put more emphasis on special teaching through provision of special teaching to students and staff, providing adequate special teaching rations to the students to improve student achievement while studying. This shall bring in sense of belongingness and commitment to their studies and they can easily identify with the school. The management of schools should continue to promote inclusive physical infrastructure in the school premises through construction of good drainage systems, regular cleaning of dining halls and kitchens, compound and classes, provision of secure dust bins to collect rubbish. This shall assist them to reduce on cases of disease outbreaks and spread.
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    (2024-08-29) NAMUSISI CHRISTINE
    ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of parental socio economic status on academic performance of learners in selected secondary schools in Kadama Town Council, Kibuku District. The study was guided by the following objectives; (i) to examine the extent to which parental level of education affects learners’ academic performance in secondary schools, (ii) to determine the extent to which parental level of income affects learners’ academic performance in secondary schools and (iii) to determine the extent to which the family background affects learners’ academic performance in secondary schools. The study adopted a descriptive research design with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The population of the study comprised 066 subjects with a sample of 056 respondents. The study employed both simple random and purposive sampling techniques to avoid biasness. Data collection instruments included questionnaires and interview checklists. Validity of the study was 084 with a reliability of 0.70 and data was analysed using the Statistical Packages of Social Scientists (SPSS). The study found out that parents’ level of education affects the academic performance of learners. The study findings from objective one show that 48(85.7%) which is educated parents predict their children’s education performance. Objective two indicated that well-to do parents pay their children’s fees in time. The study findings show that 47(83.9%) agree that well-to do parents pay their children’s fees in time. Objective three found out that 47(83.9%) agree that parents’ lower income influences the education level of learners. The study concluded that it is evident that parental socio-economic status affects the academic performance of learners in all aspects. From the findings, it is evidenced that level of parent’s education, level of income and family background are predominant factors that influence children’s academic performance. The study recommended that the government creates income generating projects that would boost the income of parents to ensure quality education for all learners.
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    (2024-08-28) OKIRIA SIMON PETER
    Abstract This study sought to establish the effect of Art and design on student creativity of students in secondary schools in Pallisa District. The study objectives were; to examine the effect of Participation rate on student’s creativity in selected secondary schools in Pallisa District; to assess the effect of school exhibition and display opportunity on student’s creativity in selected secondary schools in Pallisa District; and to investigate the effect of student Curriculum integration facilities on student’s creativity in selected secondary schools in Pallisa District. The study population is 100 respondents from the three selected secondary schools in Pallisa District. The study employed stratified random sampling techniques in coming up with a sample size of 83 respondents. The primary data collection methods used was a questionnaire. However, interview guides were also used to collect qualitative data. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics in SPSS (Statistical package for the social science) version 20. Linear and Multiple regression analysis were also used to determine the effect of the independent variables on dependent variables. The study found that Participation rate is significant in predicting student creativity with R square value = 0.124 and β = .352 with p-value = 0.000<0.05. The regression coefficient of Participation rate is positive and significant in predicting the student creativity. Further the study found that exhibition and display opportunity had R square value = 0.261 and β = .511 with a p-value = 0.000<0.05. The regression coefficient of exhibition and display opportunity is positive and significant in predicting student creativity. The study further found that Curriculum integration had significant effect in predicting student creativity with p values of 0.000 less than 0.05, R square value = 0.278 and β = .528. The study recommends that the management of schools should put more emphasis on Participation rate through provision of balanced diet to students and staff, providing adequate food rations to the students to improve student creativity while studying. The study additionally suggests that the management of schools should continue to promote exhibition and display opportunity in the school premises through construction of good drainage systems, regular cleaning of dining halls and kitchens, compound and dormitories, provision of secure dust bins to collect rubbish. Finally, the study recommends that Management of schools should continue to improve on Curriculum integration services through integrating the art and design in their teaching subjects and considered compulsory mainly to improve on students creativity
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    (2024-08-29) NAWIRE FATINA
    ABSTRACT The studyfocused on the relationship between teachers’ emoluments and teachers’ performance in selected secondary schools Iki-Iki town council in Budaka district. The specific objectives that guided the study included; to determine the relationship between teachers’ emoluments and teachers’ preparation of pedagogical documents, teachers’ classroom instruction and management and teachers’ assessment and evaluation of learners. The study basically used cross sectional survey which involved quantitative and qualitative designs. The study population was 99, which considered 95 teachers, 03 head teachers and 01 education officer while the sample size was 80.The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics; frequencies and percentages.
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    (2024-08-30) KATAIKE SARAH
    ABSTRACT This study is about the Influence of COVID- 19 Pandemic on the Learners‘ Academic Performance in Selected Secondary Schools in Kadama Town Council, Kibuku District. The study adopted the descriptive research design. Evidence abounds of the influence of the pandemic on the learners in Kibuku District. The general purpose of the study was to examine the influence of COVID-19 pandemic on the learners‘ academic performance in selected secondary schools in Kadama Town Council, Kibuku District. Specifically, the study sought; i) to examine the psychological influence of COVID- 19 pandemic on the academic performance learners, ii) to analyse the social influence on the academic performance of learners in Kadama Town Council, Kibuku District, iii) to assess ways on how the influence of COVID- 19 pandemic can be mitigated. The study covered 04 selected secondary schools in Kadama Town Council, Kibuku District. The population of the study comprised 131 with 01 Education Officer, 05 head teachers, 26 teachers, and 100 students totaling to 131respondents and data was collected from a sample size of 097 respondents. Both Random and Purposive sampling techniques were employed to collect data in the Town Council. Data was collected by the researcher who developed three instruments; questionnaire, focus and evaluation checklists for the teachers, school heads and learners respectively. The instruments were validated by three experts and both from the Department of Education. The reliability coefficient was; 0.88 for section A, B, C and D respectively with a reliability coefficient of 0.94. The study found out that some parents in the sub-county have left their children, ―to whom it may concern.‖ The way some children behave shows there is very little input from the parents. During the pandemic, children lost hope. They needed someone to encourage them or even some books of hope to read which was not the case…? There was need for ssensitization of parents and teachers by the healthy workers and other experts should be carried out with regard to their role and responsibility to do counselling. Government to provide vaccines of children from 6 years of age and strengthen legal and policy framework that allows the constitution of vaccination for all. Based on the above findings, it is evident that COVID-19 pandemic greatly affected the academic performance of learners in all aspects. Therefore, devising necessary interventions like talking to the learners, guidance and counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, good parental care, psychological assistance, reporting of domestic violence and vaccination would combat challenges associated with academic performance as mandatory.
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    (2024-08-30) WABUSA MILLY BECCA
    ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of Covid-19 pandemic on the learners’ academic performance in primary schools in Industrial City Division, Mbale City. Evidence abounds of the influence of the pandemic on the learners in Mbale City. The general purpose of the study was to examine the influence of Covid-19 pandemic on the learners’ academic performance in primary schools in Industrial City Division, Mbale City. Specifically, the study sought; i) to examine the psychological influence of Covid-19 pandemic on the academic performance of learners, ii) to analyse the social influence on the academic performance of learners in Industrial City Division, Mbale City, iii) to assess how Covid-19 can be mitigated. The study adopted the descriptive research design. Data was analysed using self-administered questionnaires and interviews. It contained the response rate, demographic characteristics of the respondents and the data already existing and the information collected, The study was conducted in 04 selected primary schools in Industrial City Division, Mbale City. population of 131 respondents who comprised; 05 head teachers, 080 learners, 024 teachers and 01 education officer. In each school, the head of the school was interviewed together with the City education officer. The total number of respondents was 097 as per Kjercie and Morgan Population Table. Both Random and Purposive sampling techniques were employed to collect data in the Division. Data was collected by the researcher who developed three instruments; questionnaire, Interview Guide method and Data Quality Control for the teachers, school heads and learners respectively. The instruments were validated by three experts and both of them were from the Department of Education. The reliability coefficient that ranged between; 0.98, 0.99, 0.94, 0.88, and 0.92 was used to judge the validity and reliability of the instruments. The respondents were asked to examine the psychological effect of Covid-19 pandemic on academic performance of learners. In line with the above suggestions Covid-19 pandemic can be truncated and this requires a joint effort. The results show that what should mitigate the effects of the pandemic are; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, vaccination, psychological assistance, reporting domestic violence and talking to children. This too calls for the school heads, educational officers, educationists and education stakeholders to carry out sensitization on how to cope with the pandemic. It was recommended in relation to the effect of Covid-19 pandemic on the academic performance of learners in Industrial City Division, Mbale City was made; Sensitisation of parents and teachers by the health workers and other experts should be carried out with regard to their role and responsibility to do counselling. Government to provide vaccines of children from 6 years of age and strengthen legal and policy framework that allows that the constitution of vaccination for all. Teachers and parents whose learners are have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic to try to counsel them and make them understand that Covid-19 had not come to stay. The religious leaders on top of church sessions should make an effort of extending the lessons to Christians with the Covid-19 pandemic. They should also invite Covid-19 task force to continue speaking to their congregations. Financial empowerment of parents is a key factor since most homes were financially hit. This will help parents to provide for their children other than sending them to sell their bodies for food. Finally, the researcher acknowledges that this research is not the end of the influence of Covid-19 pandemic on the learners’ academic performance. It is recommended that further research should be undertaken in both private and government schools, urban and rural to have a comparative analysis of what goes on in these settings.
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    (2024-09-02) KHWAKA STELLA
    ABSTRACT The study set out to examine the impact of instructional materials on the academic Performance of learners in science in Namisindwa town council, Namisindwa district . The study was guided by the following objectives; analyzing the availability of instructional materials in selected schools of study, examining the effects of instructional materials on the academic performance of learners in Science and examining the challenges teachers face in accessing instructional Materials. The study adopted a cross sectional research design employing both quantitative and qualitative approaches that targeted; head teachers, teachers and learners who were expected to provide the required information. Questionnaires and interview guide were used to collect data from various respondents. To get quality data, the researcher ensured that the instruments were valid by conducting a preliminary survey and SPSS to determine their reliability. The findings from the study indicated that; instructional materials play a very crucial role on the learners’ academic performance. They concluded that the presence of instructional materials facilitate learning in the primary schools in Namisindwa Town Council, Namisindwa District. It was recommended that there should be adequate supply and maintenance of instructional materials across the primary schools in the Town Council. Emphasis should be given on the use of instructional materials when teaching science and other related subjects.
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    (2024-09-02) NAMUWENGE HOPE
    ABSTRACT The study examined the “Impact of local language on literacy development among lower primary in government aided schools in Northern City Division, Mbale City.” The purpose of the study ws to examine the impact of local language on literacy development among lower primary in government aided schools in Northern City Division, Mbale City. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the status of children‟s literacy development abilities among learners in lower primary in Northern City Division, Mbale City; to analyse the factors that affect literacy development among learners in lower primary in Northern City Division, Mbale City and to find out possible ways to improve literacy development skills among learners in lower primary in Northern City Division, Mbale City. Data was collected from 152 respondents using self-administered questionnaires and interview checklists. Objective one of the study found out that children from poor financial background can‟t read with 102(67.1%) of the respondents as the leading factor. Objective two of the study found out that phonemic awareness affects literacy development which was suggested by 104(68.4%) of the respondents as the leading factor and objective three of the study found out that training of teachers helps in the development of good literacy skills and was supported by 66+39 = 105(69.1%) of the respondents. The study concluded that status of reading abilities, phonemic awareness, alphabet and phonological awareness, oral language development and print awareness are serious factors that affect literacy development and have potential negative effects on learners‟ literacy development. The study recommended that there was need to strengthen reading practices among pupils in order to help them develop a reading culture at school and at home. Schools should set up reading activities that involve all pupils. This could be done through teachers organizing debates, reading competitions, quizzes, setting up readers and writers clubs, and sharing of pupils‟ stories through storytelling.