A Process Evaluation of Parish Development Model in Eradicating Poverty in Mukono Town Council, Nsuube, Kauga

dc.contributor.authorDavid Kato Kushaba
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation presents a process evaluation of the Parish Development Model implemented in Mukono Town Council, specifically focusing on the Nsuube Kauga community. The objectives of this study are; to assess if community participation is evident in the PDM rollout process; if the Parish Development Model process of financial inclusion is being followed, and evaluate the progress of spearheading mindset, change in PDM roll out in Nsuube-Kauga. The research adopted a mixed-methods approach which all the 16 respondents were subjected to, (14 beneficiaries and 2 implementers). Findings on the different objectives such as community participation indicate that all beneficiaries are part of PDM groups though with limited participation in implementation of the project, most groups accessed PDM funds, and community views were clearly captured through organizing communities into PDM groups. The conclusion under this objective indicated that community participation in PDM is still low, there are more areas like increasing access to low interest loans for members, enhancing government support for agri-business investments that require attention and improvement. Secondly under financial inclusion, findings indicate that most groups accessed PDM funds and few are registered with a Parish SACCO and few beneficiaries have received investment opportunities from government. The conclusive findings under financial inclusion such as increasing access to low interest rates where successfully achieved, spearheading mindset change has been successful through mobilizing and engaging communities as well as promoting positive cultural beliefs, values and norms. The third objective of this study which was spearheading mindset change proved to be effective due to proper mobilization and engagement of community members in development programs, successful promotion of positive beliefs and values among community members that align with PDM, implementers encouraging households to participate in the PDM project. The conclusive finding on the objective of spearheading mindset change indicates that it has been successful through mobilizing and engaging communities as well as promoting positive cultural beliefs, values and norms. Some of the recommendations from the study include government having to ensure continuous mobilization, improving governance and administration through operationalization of local government structures at parish level, teaching and sensitizing people more about the PDM project as well as increasing of funding for PDM.
dc.publisherUganda Christian University
dc.titleA Process Evaluation of Parish Development Model in Eradicating Poverty in Mukono Town Council, Nsuube, Kauga


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