Effects of Youth Livelihood Programme on Youth Empowerment in Mbale District

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Uganda Christian University


The purpose of this was study was to find out the effects of youth livelihood programme on youth empowerment in Mbale district. The study was guided by the three objectives to find the contribution of the programme towards accumulation of assets among youth beneficiary, to find out how the programme has helped the youth to start up income generating projects, to find out the contribution of the programme to the improvement of beneficiary youths‟ entrepreneurship skills. The study was both qualitative and quantitative. The study employed purposive sampling basing on their area of expertise in the study. The sample of the study was small with a total number of 40 respondents, 16 beneficiaries and 4 key informants this was because of limited resources and time. Data was collected through structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews and interview guides. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS software and it was presented using tables for easy understanding and qualitative data was analyzed thematically for easy understanding of the statistical information to all readers. The findings of the study presented the general overview of how the youths benefited socially and economically from the Youth livelihood program for instance they have accumulated asserts like phones, farm land, chairs among others from Youth livelihood program, the business or income generating project that the youths are engaging for example shop selling, bar selling, salon operation among others and the skills that they have learnt and have helped them to manage or operate their businesses. The findings of the study also presented various reasons that have helped these youths to accumulate asserts for example team work among others. The current situation before joining the program whereby the life has improved according to the majority and some challenges that they face towards accessing the funds


