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ABSTRACT This research report was undertaken to examine the parenting and children’s academic performance in Bungokho sub-county, Mbale district; the study was carried out using three objectives namely; to examine the effect authoritarian parenting on children’s academic performance of Bungokho sub-county, to assess the effect of permissive parenting on children’s academic performance of Bungokho sub-county, to explore the effect of uninvolved parenting on children’s academic performance of Bungokho sub-county. The researcher used a sample size of 96 respondents and used questionnaires to collect data and later the data was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Results of the first objective showed that authoritarian parenting has a positive effect on children’s academic performance of Bungokho sub-county. Supported by the following responses; 30% strongly agree, 24% Agree to the statement that the high demands and strict rules of authoritarian parents can lead to anxiety and stress in children, negatively impacting their ability to concentrate and perform academically; 33% strongly agree, 29% agree to the statement that children accustomed to authoritarian discipline may struggle with authority figures like teachers, potentially leading to conflicts and negative experiences in school. Results of the second objective revealed that permissive parenting has a significant effect on children’s academic performance of Bungokho sub-county. Supported by the following responses; 35% strongly agree, 21% Agree to the statement that children raised in permissive environments may lack the motivation to excel academically because they are not encouraged to strive for high standards or face consequences for poor performance, 33% strongly agree, 47% Agree to the statement that permissive parenting can foster a sense of entitlement, where children expect good grades without putting in the necessary effort, which can hurt their long-term academic success, Results of the third objective showed that uninvolved parenting has a significant effect on children’s academic performance of Bungokho sub-county. 22% strongly agree, 29% strongly agree to the statement that the absence of parental monitoring can result in poor study habits, increased truancy, and a lack of accountability for schoolwork, negatively impacting academic performance. There is need for Bungokho sub-county to implement structured and consistent rules, clear expectations, and a disciplined environment that encourages focus and diligence. Parents can provide a clear set of guidelines for study time, homework completion, and academic responsibilities while maintaining a high level of supervision to ensure adherence to these rule.


