The Impact of Sustainable Production on Sustaibale Consuption: The Case of Cocacola Company Namanve Branch. Loreta Tiga Asiimwe
dc.descriptionThis is a dissertation.
dc.description.abstractThe study investigated the impact of sustainable production on sustainable consumption. The three research objectives that guided the study include the factors for achieving sustainable production at Coca-Cola Company Namanve branch, analyse the challenges encountered in implementing sustainable consumption at Coca-Cola Company Namanve branch and suggesting possible ways of ensuring sustainable production and sustainable consumption at Coca-Cola Company Namanve branch. The study employed a cross sectional research design that was descriptive in nature, used to describe characteristics of the population and other phenomenon studied. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program to come up with the findings whereas qualitative data was analysed qualitatively. From the study findings, the factors for achieving sustainable production include; resource efficiency not only looks to minimize waste but also reduce exhaustion of non-renewable resources, Eco‐efficiency not only aims to prevent waste and increase resource productivity but also to ensures minimal impact towards ecology, Incorporation of green practices into supply chain management activities can enable organizations meet goals associated with environmental and social sustainability, Adopting low-carbon technologies can help reduce energy consumption and promote sustainable development. , the study concluded that the possible ways of ensuring sustainable production and sustainable consumption included; balancing the use of natural resources can foster growth and the efficient use natural resources, Proper planning, inventory management, sharing of surplus food, freezing of foodstuffs, feeding of scraps to animals and being creative with leftovers are some of the ways to minimize food loss and waste. The study recommended that There is need for strengthening awareness creation and trainings in the areas of waste management like the application of circular models where waste is used as an input as opposed to the current traditional linear model of take make and waste which being applied in most manufacturing firms of Uganda. Knowledge generation through research should go hand in hand with strategies to create the capacity to apply and roll out new knowledge to promote the implementation of sustainability practices.
dc.publisherUganda Christian University
dc.titleThe Impact of Sustainable Production on Sustaibale Consuption: The Case of Cocacola Company Namanve Branch.


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