The Effect of Child Labor on Child Education in Bubyangu Subcounty, Mbale District

dc.contributor.authorCatherine Nadunga
dc.descriptionUndergraduate Research
dc.description.abstractThe study sought to establish the “The Effects of Child Labor on Child Education in Bubyangu Subcounty, Mbale District”. The study objectives include the following; the effects of poverty on school attendance in Bubyangu Sub County, the effects of illiteracy on school dropout in Bubyangu Sub County and the relationship between child labor and school dropout. A cross sectional design was adopted and both qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches were applied. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire from 80 respondents. Findings on the effects of poverty on school attendance revealed that struggling in affording basic necessities makes it challenging to prioritize education, lack of access to healthcare leads to illnesses, impacting a child's ability to attend school regularly, poverty causes unstable living conditions, making it challenging for pupils to attend school consistently, learners from poor families may be required to work to support their families leading to absenteeism, stress of living in poverty can affect a pupil's mental well-being which hinders attendance in class and finally learners from low-income families may face social stigma impacting the motivation to attend school. Findings on the effects of illiteracy on school dropout revealed that illiteracy subject pupils to social stigma affecting their sense of belonging in the school environment, difficulty in reading and writing hinders effective communication with teachers and peers contributes to dropout from school, illiterate parents have limited support for their children can contribute to dropout from school and finally the frustration and shame associated with illiteracy can take a toll on pupils' mental health. Findings on the relationship between child labor and school dropout revealed that the correlation coefficient is -.609 and this implies that there is a strong positive correlation between child labor and school dropout. Study recommendations include; there is need for the government and other stakeholders to discourage child labour from the family level, The children should be sensitized the importance of educating and need for them to learn other than getting involved in child labor since this would mean a bright future for the children, parents should be sensitized on the importance of education their children rather than using them to supplement to family income and the government can help in curbing dropout rates by empowering parents through self-help programs.
dc.publisherUganda Christian University
dc.titleThe Effect of Child Labor on Child Education in Bubyangu Subcounty, Mbale District


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