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ABSTRACT Divorce is increasingly a serious problem the world over and the public is alarmed by the high rates of divorce cases and number of children left behind. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of divorce on the upbringing of children in families in Namatala ward of Mbale City specifically, the study aimed at finding out how divorce affects the economic upbringing of children in the family in Namatala ward of Mbale City, to establish the effect of divorce on the social upbringing of children in the family in Namatala ward of Mbale City and to measure the effect of divorce on the spiritual upbringing of children in the family in Namatala ward of Mbale City. The study used qualitative case study design to analyze data from the study area with the help of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The researcher collected data from 80 respondents in the study area who were selected using simple random and purpose sampling and questionnaires together with interview guide were used to collect data. The study discovered that divorced parents lack of food and this makes it hard to raise them and children from divorced parent faces limited provision of shelter and this makes it hard to raise them. Children from divorced parent’s faces lack of school fees children from divorced parents face limited access to medical care. It was also discovered that children from divorced parent’s faces lack of clothing. Findings also revealed that divorce results into children’s limited contact with parents and children from divorced parents have strong belief in social stigma. Children from divorced families believe in social discrimination and this makes it difficult to raise them properly and children from divorced parents develops negative behaviors which are difficult to manage as well as they is lack of parental involvement and this was revealed in the findings. Additionally, findings show that children whose parents have divorced are more likely to experience dead spiritual growth and this was mentioned in study findings and divorce create more spiritual problems for children as the parents spiritual perception affects the children’s understanding of God and children from divorced parents have weak spiritual foundation including developing self- defeating behavior change which is hard to be reformed. The study recommended putting in place measures of strengthening marriage laws that promote marriage as an enduring institution and encourage dialogue between partners and sensitize the population about the dangers of alcohol addiction. Other recommendations included the need by NGO, civil society and government to create support systems that foster resilience and provide stability in all areas of their lives and government and stakeholders should address the issues of domestic violence comprehensively so as to protect individuals in families.


