Corporate Governance and Service Delivery in Public Intitutions of Uganda: A Case of Uganda National Roads Authority, Mbale City Branch

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Uganda Christian University


This study examined the effect of corporate governance on service delivery in public service organizations taking Uganda National Roads Authority as a case study. The study explored how accountability, transparency and decision making processes in UNRA have affected her services delivery. A total of 256 respondents, including 14 key informants from top management and 242 non-management employees, participated in the study. Primary data was obtained using a questionnaire and a structured interview guide and secondary data from public reports. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential quantitative as well as qualitative methods. The findings have revealed that: Accountability, transparency and participatory decision making, practices that originated from profit oriented organizations can increase services delivery in public organizations. These aspects increase organizational effectives and employee engagement. This promotes efficiency and effectiveness in resources utilization and goals achievement. In UNRA, these practices were not fully implemented due lack of commitment among top management, weak monitoring and supervision by the Board and central government. This scenario eclipsed service delivery objectives leading to low organizational commitment among employees. The result was low job performance among employees and subsequently poor service delivery. The study recommends that: UNRA develops an organizational culture that promotes strong organisational commitment to accountability and transparency. There is need to have a strong governing board that is able to regularly monitor the performance of top management against key resultant areas of their job descriptions. The central government ministry responsible for the oversight of this organization should step up her supervisory role to ensure effective governance in this organisation.


Undergraduate Research

