Effects of Teenage Pregnancy on Girl-Child Retention in Schools; Case of Bugobero High School Bukhofu Sub-county Manafwa District

dc.contributor.authorVicto Namonywe
dc.description.abstractThe focus of the study was to investigate on the effects of teenage pregnancy on girl-child retention in schools, case of Bugobero High School, Bukhofu Sub-County, Manafwa District”. This was because; the researcher is a resident of the area and also the number of girl-child in school was declining. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the effect of early marriage on number of girls attending school; to identify the relationship between teenage pregnancy and retention of girl-child in schools; and to ascertain the perception of different stakeholders on teenage pregnancy and retention of girl-child in schools. Literature was reviewed based on the study objectives. The researcher adopted case study design, simple random sampling and purposive sampling technique was used and 92 respondents were sampled from the target population of 120 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaire and interview and data was analyzed inform of percentages and frequency. The study from objective one (effect of early marriage on number of girls attending school) concluded that: early marriage has always been a prevalent cause for school dropout among girls, Negative cultural values and beliefs make girls to be viewed as sources of wealth, culturally, boys receive more preference on how to remain in school than girls, poverty has made many girls to pull out of school and enter into early marriages, some cultures treat girls as a source of income and wealth in form of bride price thus giving them in early marriage. The study from objective two (relationship between teenage pregnancy and retention of girl-child in schools) concluded that: teen pregnancy is one of the leading reasons why female students drop out of school, premature pregnancy prevents many teens from completing their education. Schoolgirls who become pregnant are separated from their classmates during pregnancy since their reasoning at the time is different, large portion of their time is spent outside of school by pregnant girls when they are rejected by their families and communities, results in poor academic performance, absences from school activities, and school dropout, teenage pregnancies have long-term impacts on young mothers‟ ability to advance in their careers. The study from objective three (perception of different stakeholders on teenage pregnancy and retention of girl-child in schools) concluded that: early marriage is one of the leading factors in the rate of teenage pregnancy which reduces retention of girl-child in schools, poverty makes girls to engage early in sexual activities hence getting early pregnancies and dropout of school, young girls who have lost their parents have low expectation of education and maybe tempted by sugar daddies hence getting early pregnancies, peer pressures push the teens into early sex and getting early pregnancies, some teenagers fall pregnant because they lack information of preventing pregnancy, girls with less monitoring and poor supervision at home especially in single parent households have higher risk of getting early pregnancies and dropping out of school, some girls have poor attitude towards education and do not attach high value on education and end up dropping out of school and enter in early marriage. The researcher recommended that; there is a need to improve on perception towards girl child education by continually sensitizing the masses about it, girls need o be given equal education opportunity with boys because they contribute to the development of the families and the country at large, there is need to provide scholastic material and financial support to girl child to enable them remain at school.
dc.publisherUganda Christian University
dc.titleEffects of Teenage Pregnancy on Girl-Child Retention in Schools; Case of Bugobero High School Bukhofu Sub-county Manafwa District


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