Challenges Facing Levels of Refugee Service Satisfaction in Uganda: A Case of Kyangwali Refugee Settlement

dc.contributor.authorWislyve Asiimwe
dc.descriptionUndergraduate research
dc.description.abstractThe study explored the challenges facing levels of refugee service satisfaction in Uganda; a case of Kyangwali Refugee Settlement. It specifically focused on; examining the resource constraints hindering the levels of refugee service satisfaction in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement, establishing the logistical challenges hindering the levels of refugee service satisfaction in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement and assessing the socio-cultural barriers hindering the levels of refugee service satisfaction in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement. The study was carried out using a cross sectional survey research design where both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were also used. The data was collected using questionnaires and interviews during the data collection, both purposive and simple random sampling methods were used. A sample size of 398 respondents who are refugees from Kyangwali Refugee Settlement was selected although 320 of them responded. The study also included key informants who were the settlement commandant and the management of selected NGOs. The study found out that addressing resource constraints, logistical challenges, and socio-cultural barriers is imperative for improving refugee service satisfaction. Insufficient healthcare facilities, inadequate food supplies, and poor educational resources significantly impact refugees’ well-being and satisfaction. Logistical issues, such as inadequate transportation and delays in the supply chain, further exacerbate these challenges. Socio-cultural barriers, including cultural misunderstandings, language barriers, and discrimination, also hinder effective service delivery. To enhance the living conditions and satisfaction of refugees, it is crucial to tackle these multifaceted issues comprehensively, ensuring adequate resources, efficient logistics, and culturally sensitive support. Lastly, the study recommended the need for increased investment in healthcare infrastructure within Kyangwali Refugee Settlement. It also recommended the need for improved logistical management to overcome the existing challenges in resource distribution plus the need for addressing socio-cultural barriers to improve service satisfaction among refugees.
dc.publisherUganda Christian University
dc.titleChallenges Facing Levels of Refugee Service Satisfaction in Uganda: A Case of Kyangwali Refugee Settlement


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