The Impact of Mobile Money Services on Financial Inclusion in Rural Uganda : A Case Study in Kabanyoro Village in Gayaza Parish Edgar Muhumuza
dc.descriptionThis is a dissertation.
dc.description.abstractThe sole purpose of the study was to attain results regarding the impact of mobile money services on the financial inclusion of rural Uganda (Kabanyoro Village) with the objectives of; establishing the influence of mobile money payments, mobile finance, and mobile banking on the level of financial inclusion within Uganda. A descriptive study research design was adopted to obtain information and, it focused on a total population of 197,884 residents estimated to live in Kabanyoro according to the Kasangati Town Council. A target population of 170 residents was achieved while a sample selection of only 117 residents as the sample size was considered. Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources with the employment of observation, questionnaires, and interview guides as instruments to collect primary data. Secondary data like theoretical framework was compiled from existing scholarly work and others like definitions were compiled from the Google Scholar search engine. It was concluded that there is a positive significant relationship between; a) mobile payments with a positive correlation coefficient of 0.243*, b) mobile finance with a positive correlation coefficient of 0.185*, and c) mobile banking with a positive correlation coefficient of 0.531* and the level financial inclusion with rural Uganda; all compared to relevant case studies. The correlation of the different observations means any change in the usage of independent variables will cause the same change in the level of financial inclusion (Dependent variable) within rural areas. It was recommended by the researcher that;  The Mobile money service providers should adopt user-friendly interfaces to encourage sustained usage of mobile payments among rural residents.  Access to educational content about financial literacy and capability to rural residents would facilitate usage of Mobile finance services in turn advancing the level of financial inclusion of rural residents.  An examination of how mobile payments and banking services impact individual saving behaviors within rural areas as these facilitate usage of these financial services which contribute to advancing financial inclusion
dc.publisherUganda Christian University
dc.titleThe Impact of Mobile Money Services on Financial Inclusion in Rural Uganda : A Case Study in Kabanyoro Village in Gayaza Parish


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