Impact of Partnership Sourcing in the Continuous Improvement of Supply Chain Uthuman Agaba
dc.descriptionThis is a dissertation.
dc.description.abstractThe topic of the study was to establish whether Partnership sourcing has an impact on continuous improvement in the supply chain of Uganda Baati ltd. The objectives used were to determine the relationship between Partnership sourcing and continuous improvement in the supply chain of Uganda Baati, to identify the factors that affect effective partnership sourcing in Uganda Baati and to identify the best practices for managing strategic partnership sourcing in Uganda Baati ltd. The research used a cross-sectional research design which was both qualitative and quantitative. Primary source and secondary source were used as sources of the research study, Purposive and simple random sampling technique were used to select the sample size, the study used a sample size of 40 respondents and the data collection instruments used were the questionnaire in form of Likert and open ended questions and interview in form of structured questions. From the analysis it was revealed that economies of scales was the relationship between Partnership sourcing and continuous improvement in the supply chain of Uganda Baati ltd with the majority of respondents 100% table 4.3, Commitment was seen as the factor that affect effective partnership sourcing in Uganda Baati ltd with 100% respondents table 4.4 and formality of the group was the best practices for managing strategic partnership sourcing in Uganda Baati ltd with 95% respondents table 4.5. It was therefore recommended that the company should ensure that they partner with companies that they have similar or related procurements, the company should ensure that they sign an agreement on the collaboration so as to reduce the chances of other parties not fulfilling their obligations among other recommendations.
dc.publisherUganda Christian University
dc.titleImpact of Partnership Sourcing in the Continuous Improvement of Supply Chain


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