Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration

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    (Anita Matilda Nekesa, 2024-09-02) ANITA MATILDA NEKESA
    Since its founding up to now, the dissertation below under the title "the effects that the Mbuyu Foundation's programmes on the socioeconomic development of Katanga community" seeks to document the impact which the Mbuyu foundation programmes have had on the Katanga, a slum community situated in Wandegeya within the capital city of Uganda. The goal of this study is to evaluate the degree to which the various programs launched and carried out by the Mbuyu Foundation educational programmes such as read for life and adult literacy, healthcare programs such as maternal care and workshops, and skill-building programmes such as beading and tailoring have an impact on the community and the lives of its residents. In order to provide a thorough analysis of the Foundation's contributions to this community, data was gathered from 70 respondents using a mixed-methods approach through surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions. Thanks to the Mbuyu's interventions from the time of founding up to current, key results reveal the notable increases in literacy rates, health outcomes, and economic empowerment among the people of Katanga. The study also emphasises difficulties the Foundation faces including limited programme reach, limited resources, problems involving community involvement, and inadequate infrastructure. There are plenty of ideas to make these projects more sustainable and effective. The research enhances the body of knowledge already in use on the function of nonprofit organisations in urban slum development by offering insights to legislators, practitioners, and next generations of researchers
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    (2024-09) LUBWAMA MARK
    ABSTRACT The study evaluated the Breastfeeding Program at Mummy Foundation to better understand “Determinants of Breastfeeding Practices among Mothers with Children at Mummy Foundation”. The study population were the mothers with children at the organization of Mummy Foundation. The objectives. To suggest possible strategies that can improve the breastfeeding practices of mothers, To describe the available breastfeeding practices among mothers, To evaluate the effectiveness of the Breastfeeding Program on the mothers’ breastfeeding practices and To better understand the possible strategies that can improve breastfeeding practices among mothers. The study adopted an evaluative design and data was collected through a content analysis method that emphasized the utilization of secondary information. Findings. Mothers were still not breastfeeding the babies for the first six months as suggested by the World Health Organization and feeding babies through baby bottles. The possible strategies suggested were the establishment of risk-focused protection systems of social work, investing in breastfeeding programs, financial support to breastfeeding mothers, and establishing counselling intervention among others. Conclusion. The organization and the institutions that work with mothers need to engage more Social workers
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    (2024-08-30) Caithen Natuhwera
    One of the most serious not only health but social growing concern is the contemporary issue of teenage pregnancies in Uganda communities. The major aim of this dissertation is to ascertain the factors that are influencing early teenage pregnancies, their effects and the possible recommendations that can be implemented to address the chronicle disease among the teenagers. There are numerous factors in this study, many of which include poverty, minimal supervision by parents, peer pressure, early marriage initiations for cultural concerns and many more. Its effects to the teenagers like sexual violence, sexually transmitted diseases and many more. This study includes policies that encourage adolescent reproductive health which tend to provide measures on how to curb teenage pregnancies in Mukono, Uganda.
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    Exploring the Experiences of Early Married Young Madi Girls. Case Study: Madi Sub Region (Moyo District)
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-23) Jovia Dranzoa
    This study report was undertaken to explore the experiences of early married young madi girls. It was guided by two objectives; to identity Factors related with early marriage in Madi, to explore the experiences of the married young Madi girls. The investigator used a sample scope of 63 respondents and used questionnaires and interview guide to gather data and later the data was examined using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Outcomes of the primary objective showed that factors associated with early marriage in Madi have a significant effect on early marriage. Reinforced by the responses; 62% were positive to the statement that limited access to comprehensive sexuality education and reproductive health information can further spread early marriage; 61% respondents were confident to the declaration that limited educational opportunities and unemployment contribute to the perpetuation of early marriage. On the other hand, 75% instituting the mainstream were disagreeing to the declaration that parental and community expectations and pressures based on cultural and religious beliefs can strongly influence early marriage decisions among young individuals. Results of the second objective revealed that experiences have a significant effect on the married young Madi girls; 62% forming the majority of respondents were positive to the statement that married young girls are often subjected to physical and sexual violence, which exacerbates mental health issues like depression and anxiety, 51% had a positive response to the statement that married girls frequently face pressures to conform to traditional gender roles, which can stifle personal aspirations and reinforce subservient positions within the household, 75% were positive to the statement that early marriages are often associated with an increased risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as premature births, little birth weight infants, and maternal death. The government should educate communities about the negative consequences of early marriage on health, education, and economic opportunities. Promote the benefits of keeping girls in school. Strengthen laws that set the minimum age for marriage at 18 and ensure these laws are enforced. Provide legal support and protection for girls at risk of early marriage.
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    The Impact of Teenage Pregnancies on the Social Wellbeing of Teenagers in Kampala
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-02) Precious Mercy Okalebo
    Teenage pregnancy or early pregnancy refers to the development of a fetus in a female under the age of 19. A person aged between 13 and 19 years is referred to as a teenager they can however be referred to as adolescents too because this stage is very interesting in a child’s development in that they typically go through a period of growth and development where they experience physical, emotional, and social changes as they transition from childhood to adulthood. Teenage pregnancy generally refers to a young female who is unmarried and usually refers to an unplanned pregnancy. A pregnancy can take place at any time after puberty, with menarche (first menstrual period) normally taking place around the ages of 12 or 13, and being the stage at which a female becomes potentially fertile. Pregnancy is considered to be a gift from God in most cultures and babies are a blessing to the couple but however if the parties are un married and more so teenagers, it is considered to be and abomination for some in that in very many cultures and religions it is highly advisable for one to have their child after marriage and at the suitable age.
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    Impact of HIV/Aids Within Households of Merikit Sub County
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-23) Brenda Habaasa Kiconco
    Chapter 1: Introduction. This chapter summarizes the research, including its background and context. The introduction outlines the issue statement, research aims, questions, and importance of the study. The chapter also discusses the scope and limits of the research, emphasizing on the effect of HIV/AIDS affects houses in Merikit Sub County. Chapter 2: Literature Review. Chapter Two examines the current research on HIV/AIDS, particularly its socioeconomic and Psychological effects on families. It addresses many theoretical frameworks and past research. Findings that contribute to the study. The literature evaluation finds gaps in existing knowledge and argues. The necessity for this study in Merikit Sub County. Chapter 3: Research Methodology This chapter details the research design, methodology, and approach used in the study. It describes the target population, sampling techniques, data collection methods (both qualitative and quantitative), and data analysis procedures. Ethical considerations and limitations encountered during the research are also discussed. Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Presentation. This chapter analyses and presents the acquired data. This study examines the economic, psychological, and social effects of HIV/AIDS on households in Merikit Sub County, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods. The report highlights major trends and patterns using tables, infographics, and narratives. Chapter 5: Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations The last chapter discusses the study findings in connection to the research questions and objectives. It analyses the study's implications for policy, practice, and future research. The chapter provides ideas to overcome difficulties and improve support for households afflicted by HIV/AIDS in Merikit Sub County.
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    The Impact of Child Labour on the Right to Education of Children. A Case Study Lukojjo Village, Nama Subcounty- Mukono District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-23) Edward Timugaya
    Child labor remains a pressing global concern with profound implications for children's rights, particularly their right to education. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) 1 , an estimated 152 million children worldwide are engaged in child labor, depriving them of their childhood and hindering their access to education (ILO, 2020) 2 . In Uganda, despite legislative efforts and international commitments to eradicate child labor, significant challenges persist. Mukono District, located in the central region of Uganda, presents a pertinent case study due to its substantial rural population and reported incidences of child labor. Child labor remains a significant barrier to the right to education for children aged 5-17 in Uganda, particularly in Lukojjo village, Nama sub-county - Mukono District. Despite legislative efforts and international commitments to address this issue, there is a lack of localized empirical research to understand the specific dynamics and consequences of child labor on education in Nama Village- Mukono. While studies by Edmonds and Shrestha (2012) and Ray et al. (2019) highlight the global impact of child labor on education, their localized implications for Name Village in Mukono District are unexplored. Socio-economic factors such as poverty and parental education, identified by Basu & Tzannatos (2003) and Beegle et al. (2006) as key determinants of child labor, require further investigation in this district. The study aims to address the lack of localized empirical research on the prevalence, nature, and socio-economic determinants of child labor and its impact on the right to education in Lukojjo village, Nama sub-county, Mukono District, Uganda. Article 34(4) of the Ugandan Constitution of the republic of Uganda of 1995 as amended protects children from exploitative labor, and Article 30 of the same constitution ensures the right to education, acknowledging that child labor undermines national development goals.
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    The Impact of the Aids Healthcare Foundation Program on People Living With HIV/AIDs in Masaka District
    (Uganda Christian University, 0024-09-19) Jackline Nakato
    The study aimed at examining the impact of the AIDS Health Foundation (AHF) Program on the well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS in Masaka District. It specifically focused on; establishing the influence of ARVs’ supply on the well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS, examining the influence of testing services on the well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS and finding out the influence of education and counseling on the wellbeing of people living with HIV/AIDS in Masaka district. The study was carried out using an explanatory research design where both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were also used. The data was collected using questionnaires and interviews during the data collection, both purposive and simple random sampling methods were used. A sample size of 80 respondents who are adults aged 18-60 years with HIV/AIDS in Masaka and the health practitioners from AHF Uganda was also used in the study. From the findings, it was revealed that AHF's ARV supply, testing services, and education/counseling programs in Masaka district have received predominantly positive feedback. Respondents reported improved health outcomes with ARV programs, citing easy access and reliability, although some concerns about ARV quality were noted. Testing services were praised for accessibility, confidentiality, and effectiveness in promoting early diagnosis and treatment. Education and counseling were seen to empower individuals, enhance knowledge about HIV management, and mitigate emotional challenges, though areas for improvement in comprehensive patient needs were identified. Overall, AHF's integrated approach positively impacts wellbeing and health outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS in Masaka district. Lastly, the study recommended that AHF Uganda should focus on improving ARV supply quality and consistency, enhancing HIV testing service accessibility and confidentiality, and integrating comprehensive education and counseling programs in Masaka district. By ensuring rigorous monitoring of ARV quality and supply chains, expanding outreach efforts for testing services, and diversifying educational and counseling support, AHF can enhance patient confidence, promote early diagnosis and treatment, and improve overall health outcomes effectively.
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    A Process Evaluation of Parish Development Model in Eradicating Poverty in Mukono Town Council, Nsuube, Kauga
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-23) David Kato Kushaba
    This dissertation presents a process evaluation of the Parish Development Model implemented in Mukono Town Council, specifically focusing on the Nsuube Kauga community. The objectives of this study are; to assess if community participation is evident in the PDM rollout process; if the Parish Development Model process of financial inclusion is being followed, and evaluate the progress of spearheading mindset, change in PDM roll out in Nsuube-Kauga. The research adopted a mixed-methods approach which all the 16 respondents were subjected to, (14 beneficiaries and 2 implementers). Findings on the different objectives such as community participation indicate that all beneficiaries are part of PDM groups though with limited participation in implementation of the project, most groups accessed PDM funds, and community views were clearly captured through organizing communities into PDM groups. The conclusion under this objective indicated that community participation in PDM is still low, there are more areas like increasing access to low interest loans for members, enhancing government support for agri-business investments that require attention and improvement. Secondly under financial inclusion, findings indicate that most groups accessed PDM funds and few are registered with a Parish SACCO and few beneficiaries have received investment opportunities from government. The conclusive findings under financial inclusion such as increasing access to low interest rates where successfully achieved, spearheading mindset change has been successful through mobilizing and engaging communities as well as promoting positive cultural beliefs, values and norms. The third objective of this study which was spearheading mindset change proved to be effective due to proper mobilization and engagement of community members in development programs, successful promotion of positive beliefs and values among community members that align with PDM, implementers encouraging households to participate in the PDM project. The conclusive finding on the objective of spearheading mindset change indicates that it has been successful through mobilizing and engaging communities as well as promoting positive cultural beliefs, values and norms. Some of the recommendations from the study include government having to ensure continuous mobilization, improving governance and administration through operationalization of local government structures at parish level, teaching and sensitizing people more about the PDM project as well as increasing of funding for PDM.
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    Impact of Affirmative Action and Boychild Socio-Economic Development in Zombo District: A Case Study of Paidha Sub County
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-01) Daphine Kacwinyrwoth
    This study aimed to examine affirmative action's impact on boys' socioeconomic development in Paidha Sub-County, Zombo District, located in the West Nile region of Uganda. The study's specific objectives were to determine the level of affirmative action for boys in Paidha Sub-County, assess the socioeconomic development of boys in the same area, and evaluate the impact of affirmative action on the socioeconomic development of boys in Paidha Sub-County. This study was prepared with both quantitative and qualitative data analysis and used purposive and simple random sampling techniques. The sample population was 60 out of 86 and the target population comprised of boy children in households, community workers, community leaders, health workers, NGO representatives, and government officials. 60 questionnaires were produced and distributed to the target group however, 56(93%) questioners were returned and only 4 were not returned (07%). The data analysis was based on three objectives drawing the researcher to the conclusion that affirmative, Action should be reviewed and provide inclusivity of both genders, furthermore, people need thorough sensitization to understand certain concepts. The researcher recommends collaboration with the government, social workers, stakeholders, and the community to understand the actual problems the child is experiencing due to the current affirmative actions to improve their socioeconomic development.
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    The Effects of Menstruation on Girls’ Education in Public Schools: A Case Study of Ibanda District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-20) Anabel Ainembabazi
    This research, on the effects of menstruation on girl’s education in public schools as conducted form Ibanda district, with the aim of investigating how menstruation periods affect girl child education in the locality. This research was driven by three main objectives which were; to examine the effects of menstrual related absenteeism on the academic performance of the girls in public school in ibanda district, to assess the impact of menstrual related stigma on the academic performance of the girls in public schools, and to evaluate the existing support systems and resources available for the girls in public schools during the menstruation. This researcher employed both the qualitative and quantitative data collection strategies through the interviews and questionnaire application. The respondents were both male and female across different age brackets who showed that the most commonly used types of materials were disposable pads, reusable pads and then only underwear, which are purchased from both market, given at schools, and others made from home by the parents. This menstruation is associated with stigma, sickness, absence from school mention but a few. This research therefore, provides a several strategies and suggestions on how to support the girls during menstruation such as provision of the menstrual products, sensitisation, especially in rural areas to create awareness. Through the uplifting of these menstrual related strategies, the cases of girls dropping out of schools shall be minimised in the long run
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    The Role of Probation and Social Welfare Office in Mitigating the Effects of Child Neglect on Children’s Social Well-Being in Upper Kauga Mukono District
    (2024-08-22) Minaida Janet Bondo
    This study investigated the role of probation and social welfare offices in mitigating the effects of child neglect on children's social well-being in Upper Kauga Mukono District. Child neglect is a pervasive issue in Uganda, with severe consequences on children's social well-being. Probation and social welfare offices play a critical role in addressing this issue, however their effectiveness is unclear. Therefore the objective of this study was to assess the role of probation and social welfare offices in mitigating child neglect's effects. The data collection methods the researcher used was a mixed-methods approach using interviews with key informants such as the probation officers and social workers, and questionnaires administered to caregivers and  children. The study revealed that probation and social welfare offices play a crucial role in providing support services, counseling, and connecting families to resources, but face challenges like limited resources and staffing. In conclusion therefore, it was revealed that child neglect has severe adverse effects on the social well-being of children and the major forms of child neglect faced by children include physical neglect, emotional neglect and education neglect. In response to the conclusions, the researcher came up with recommendations including effective collaboration between probation and social welfare offices is essential to address child neglect, Increase resources and staffing, enhance community engagement, and develop targeted interventions to address child neglect's effects on social well-being. By addressing these gaps, probation and social welfare offices can better support vulnerable children and families.
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    A Critical Investigation of Parental Stress Management in Raising a Child With Cerebral Palsy at the Community-Based Rehabilitation Alliance
    (Uganda christian University, 2024-09-05) Michelle Kabageni Amanda
    This dissertation explored the difficulties of parental stress management when raising a child with cerebral palsy, looking at the experiences of parents within the Community Based Rehabilitation Alliance, Kiwanga, Uganda. The research was aimed to look deeper into the specific factors that contribute to stress among parents and the coping mechanisms that the parents used. Utilized a qualitative case study design while integrating integrating one on one interviews and questionnaires to gather exhaustive data from articipants. The findings showed that parents experienced a lot of stress which blocked their capability to cope effectively.One of the things that were identified as helpful were support groups. The study concluded while improvements on attitudes and support systems, there are still challenges that require further research into effective intervention mechanisms and long term health of parents. These findings underscore the relevance of developing complete support programs that address needs of parents raising children with cerebral palsy, alternatively contributing to better family wellbeing and adaptation
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    Experiences of Juveniles Offenders Before and During Their Stay in Rehabilitation Homes: A Case of Naguru Remand Home
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-20) Maria Gabriella Apolot
    The purpose of this study was to examine the experience of juvenile offenders before and after during their stay at Naguru Remand Home. The study was carried out in government rehabilitation/remand Naguru Remand Home. Specifically, the study sought to examine determinants of the juvenile’s behaviors, assess the various services provided to the juveniles at Naguru remand home and to explore the experiences of juvenile at Naguru remand home. The study consisted of a total population of 168 juveniles. Out of this, the study selected a sample size of 20 respondents. The data for the study was collected using interview schedules, and observation. After data collection, it was analyzed qualitatively then presented in tables, figures and prose form. The study found out that the rehabilitation center had majority of male juveniles compared to female counterparts. Many of the Juveniles were in remand home because of crimes they committed. Most juveniles were living with their parents and few living with their guardians before coming to remand homes. The study recommended that the stakeholders should put the necessary efforts to make living conditions more favorable for the children and remand home facilities should be provided to cater for juveniles in remand homes.
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    Exploring the Risk Factors Associated With Child Neglect in Probation and Social Welfare Office-Mukono District
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-15) Tabitha Jool Ajah
    Child neglect is a pervasive issue in Uganda, with far-reaching consequences for the affected children. This study aimed to explore the risk factors associated with child neglect in Mukono District, Uganda, in order to inform strategies for prevention and intervention, focusing on child related, parental, and societal risk factors. A mixed method approach was employed, combining questionnaire responses from 15 participants and in-depth interviews with 5 key informants. The findings revealed significant risk factors, including chid-related factors such as age, gender, and disability, parental factors such as teenage parenting, childhood experiences, and societal factors including neighbourhood crimes, limited social support network and community dynamics. These factors intersect and compound, increasing the likelihood of child neglect. Despite efforts by the Probation and social welfare office, challenges persist in addressing child neglect. The study highlights the need for comprehensive strategies addressing these risk factors to prevent child neglect and ensure the well-being of vulnerable children in Mukono District and beyond. By understanding the complex interplay of risk factors, stakeholders can develop targeted interventions to support families and prevent child neglect, ultimately promoting the safety of children in Uganda.
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    The Role of Occupational Therapy in Promoting Social Skills of Children With Disability at Abigail Foundation
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-16) Mellisa Lynnete Kirabo
    This study explored the role of occupational therapy in promoting social skills of children with disabilities at Abigail Foundation. The study objectives include; investigating the role of occupational therapy in promoting social skills of children with developmental disabilities, examining the role of group play therapy strategy in the enhancement of social skill development of children with disabilities, examining the influence of collaboration between parents and occupation therapists in the enhancement of social skill development of children with disabilities. The study was conducted using qualitative approaches with a combination of an exploratory research design and semi-structured interviews were administered to the main study population and key informants. Additionally, the observational check list helped in documenting observational behaviors and the study findings found that despite the challenges registered by occupational therapists when dealing with children with disabilities, occupational therapy plays a significant role in the enhancement of social skills of children with disabilities. However, this therapeutic approach requires collaborative efforts with parents, other professionals, interventions, and strategies like group play therapy strategy. The researcher concluded that these therapeutic approaches emphasize holistic assessments and targeted interventions to effectively address social skill deficits, and promote positive interactions hence contributing to long-term social integration. The researcher further recommended that to facilitate long-term integration, social workers should advocate for community-based rehabilitation since it’s a community-based strategy. The government should also invest more in special needs schools since the schools are few and expensive which limits children from marginalized communities to have access to education.
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    Women Empowerment and Community Development. A Case Study in Department of Gender and Community Development Kampala City Council Authority, Nakawa Division
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-03) Shallon Nimusiima
    This study investigated the roles of women empowerment on skill development in Nakawa Division, Kampala. The general objective was to assess how women empowerment influenced skill acquisition and development within the division. The specific objectives included evaluating the extent of women’s empowerment, examining the available empowerment programs, and understanding how these programs contributed to skill development. Both quantitative and qualitative data were combined in a mixed-methods study strategy. A representative sample of women beneficiaries enrolled in these skills development programs were asked structured questions to gather data on their health status, healthcare access, and skill outcomes. To gain a better understanding of the experiences and difficulties faced by women, in-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted with program participants, medical practitioners, and the leaders of the skill education programs. The purpose of this study's descriptive design was to clarify the issues surrounding women's empowerment and skill development. The results showed that the various types of empowerment provided by the Nakawa Division's current initiatives for women had a substantial impact on the development of their skills. Positive developments were noticed in terms of social support, economic opportunity, and healthcare. The study's possible limitations were sample bias, social desirability bias, and limited data gathering tools. Despite these numerous constraints, the findings provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of empowerment programs and skill development. The research was intended to serve as a foundation for the implementation of specific strategies and policies targeted at improving women's empowerment and skill development as part of larger gender equality and sustainable development initiatives in Nakawa Division. In order to increase women's skills and well-being, the study emphasized the significance of combining health and empowerment programs. It also provided recommendations for researchers, practitioners, and politicians who are interested in furthering gender-responsive development initiatives.
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    The Role of Social Workers in Addressing Gender Based Violence in Kawempe Division
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-20) Charlotte Katushabe
    The study aimed at out the role of social workers in addressing Gender Based violence in Kawempe division. It specifically focused on; establishing the different forms of Gender Based Violence in Kawempe Division, evaluating the support services provided by social workers to gender based violence victims in Kawempe and examining issues that issues that social workers face in handling gender-based violence in Kawempe division. The study was carried out using a descriptive survey research design where both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were also used. The data was collected using questionnaires and interviews during the data collection, both purposive, convenience and snowball sampling methods were used. A total of 63 respondents and the key informants participated in research. According to the study findings, gender-based violence is due difficulties such as unemployment, poverty, corruption, polygamy and bride price. This has mostly affected women especially those that go into marriage at an early age. This has caused them to suffer from sexual violence emotional, economic and physical violence. These issues have been exacerbated by issues such as lack of education about gender-based violence and strict laws among others. The government should therefore improve its efforts in various fields such as gender-based violence education to prevent women from being abused hence improving on their health. Finally, the study therefore recommends focusing on underlying causes of gender-based violence because the role of social workers is aimed at solving violence . interventions and programs that fight Gender Based Violence should be implemented after research is carried out to ensure its successful. Government services and resources should also be brought closer to the people of Kawempe division to help fight Gender Based Violence
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    Assessing the Impact of Early Childhood Education on the Community
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-27) Precious Aza
    This study was carried out in to assess the impacts of early childhood education on the community, the researcher used various research articles on early childhood education and used research questions to find answers to the topic. The study also reviewed various literatures on early childhood education programs, benefits and impacts not leaving the ministry of education and sports, talked about the national curriculum for early childhood education as well. The research objectives included the social and economic benefits of early childhood education on the community and contribution of early childhood education towards the child’s academic performance. The researcher also used the qualitative research design structure of content analysis to analyze the findings. The study also revealed that the early childhood education has positively impacted on the community and the learners, which is possible with the presence of stakeholders such as school superiors, government, community members and parents. The findings also reveal that learners find it easy to transition into primary school. They gain cognitive and social skills hence are social with others in the community, it’s also a source of capital to the community members. Therefore, its recommended that private and government authorizes including parents should invest and work together in the early childhood education sector to see good outcomes in the community. In conclusion, the impact of early childhood education on the community is beneficial to the whole country .
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    The Effects of Early Marriages on Child Development in Uganda: A Case Study of Rukungiri District Local Government Probation Office
    (2024-08-07) Moreen Ahimbisibwe
    The study on the effects of early marriage on child development was conducted in Rukugiri district local government through the probation office. The present study aimed at investigating the effects of early marriages on child development in Uganda because various research endeavors had been undertaken to determine the primary cause of early marriages on child development; however, no definitive evidence of a solution to address its effects has been established. Despite the extensive exploration of early marriages and their impact on child development in Uganda, there remained a notable gap in the existing literature regarding the long-term psychological and socio-economic effects of early marriages on children within the Ugandan context. While past studies had addressed related issues, there was need for a more comprehensive examination of the specific research goals of the current study, particularly in terms of understanding the nuanced and multifaceted impacts of early marriages on child development in Uganda. The search chose the case study research design because it was the most suited for the problem she was investigating. The selection of this specific research design was warranted by the requirement for specific, detailed, and contextual knowledge regarding the subject under investigation.A simple random sampling strategy was used by the researcher and by which, 44 respondents were selected for the study. Thus, when all factors taken into account, the findings unequivocally showed that early child marriages seriously impair the expectations and dreams of the victims for the future, as well as having a negative effect on children's development. Practically speaking, it was found that the national government does not have any programs specifically created to address social issues such as early child marriages in the communities. However, additional investigation into how to address early marital exposure with a gender-balanced approach has to be done. That for instance, it needs to be determined whether all of the young women who marry off too soon are wedded to older men, or whether there is an ignorance about young females being coerced into marrying younger boys.