Bachelor of Procurement & Logistics Management

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    The Impact of Supply Chain Disruptions on Product Availability
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-06) Janice Kemigisha Mzungu
    This paper researches the effects of logistics disruption on product availability, as well as how firms can improve organizational resilience through their responses. As natural disasters, geopolitical instability, technological failures and exogenous economic downturn increasingly disrupt the global markets with growing frequency; supply chains are at greater risk than ever before. This research interprets both the impact of various disruptions on product availability and inventory management measures, as well as how demand-side determinants such market footprint performance influence resilience via SCM risk-mitigation practices. During the study, a model of mixed-method design was adopted whereby quantitative data from survey and industry reports will be included with qualitative insights obtained through case studies and interviews with supply chain professionals. Conclusions are relevant along contingency planning; risk management frameworks and strategic inventory mgmt. Researchers also highlight those technological adoptions like real-time monitoring and predictive analytics are necessary to enhance visibility of supply chains for better decision-making. Collaboration with supply chain partners and information sharing get to be vital components for forging more adaptable systems. Based on these parameters, the research suggests that businesses can address disruptions by establishing more proactive (rather than reactive) and flexible strategies such as increasing supplier diversification; risk sharing agreements with suppliers or downstream customers; adapting advanced technologies within their operations. By adopting these strategies companies can improve supply chain efficiency, product availability and optimization of financial performance while catering to the requirements of customers. This research adds to the growing body of understanding to enable effective risk management in a turbulent global environment by providing critical guidance for Industry on how best their supply chain Risk Management practices can be undertaken.
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    ABSTRACT The study assesses the impacts of procurement planning on supplier selection at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development. The focus is to establish how good planning of advance technology procurement would impact choosing dependable suppliers, carrying out better management of inventories, as well as enhancing the reliability of forecasts for future demands. In this respect, the research shows effective ways of improving supply chain efficiency in MEMD. Demand forecasting allows buyers to project the volume of goods and services needed in the future, thus helping to balance the procurement process, therefore facilitating the right choice of suppliers. The Inventory Management assists in having a healthy stock by keeping the levels of inventory just enough to preclude overstocking or stockouts, an important factor to identify suppliers who can actually fulfill the stock levels. Selection of suppliers involves assessing them based on criteria such as cost, quality, and dependability to select suppliers that would better align with organizational goals. Both qualitative and quantitative research designs were used for data collection and analysis. Quantitative data collection was by survey, whereas structured questionnaires were completed by selected personnel based at MEMD, including the procurement officers and the supply chain managers. In this regard, interviews revealed certain challenges and best practices of procurement planning and supplier selection. The findings of the study showed that sound procurement policies influence the adoption of internal supplier assessment and development programs by enhancing pre-qualification mechanisms. Inventory control should be correctly done to minimize overstock levels and lead times. Demand forecasting was important in ensuring that the procurement plans were in line with what was required, hence minimizing situations of overstock levels or stockouts. Based on this research, integrated procurement planning, with efficient inventory control and correct demand forecasting, is best for selecting suppliers and chains in general at the MEMD. There are suggestions regarding more sophisticated methods of forecasting, feedback on supplier performance, and what could be even more effective at this level for inventory management processes.
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    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-06) Denise Kirabo Nyakato
    This study examined the effect of environmental sustainability strategies on the market performance of manufacturing companies with a focus on Nice House of Plastics. The study aimed to explore the role of waste reduction management, green transportation, and energy efficiency in enhancing market performance. The study integrated qualitative and quantitative research approaches using a mixed methods approach to thoroughly investigate these tactics. Interviews were used to gather data from 40 employees in different departments, guaranteeing a varied representation of viewpoints. The results showed that waste reduction management has a major positive impact on innovation and operational expenses, both of which improve market performance. Green transportation was found to be crucial for raising the company's status in the market by strengthening supply chain effectiveness, boosting brand recognition, and reducing the dangers connected with reliance on fossil fuels. Initiatives aimed at increasing energy efficiency have also been demonstrated to lower manufacturing costs, enhance operational stability, and foster innovation—all of which enhance market performance. The overwhelming agreement among those surveyed emphasizes the strategic significance of these sustainability efforts in preserving a competitive advantage in a market that is becoming more environmentally conscientious. Notwithstanding, the existence of certain discord and ambiguity highlights the want of sustained correspondence and involvement to guarantee that every staff member comprehends and values the advantages of these endeavours entirely. The study underscored the importance of integrating environmental sustainability strategies into the core operations of manufacturing companies, not only as a means of regulatory compliance but also as a driver of long-term market success. The study concluded that these strategies are instrumental in achieving sustainable growth and maintaining a competitive edge in an increasingly eco-conscious marketplace. It is recommended that manufacturing companies should invest in sustainable technologies and practices to improve their market performance. Further research should explore the long-term financial impacts of sustainability strategies and the role of government policies in supporting sustainable manufacturing.
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    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-03) ROGER MELLA MUTAI
    This dissertation examines the effect of supply chain mapping on service delivery in manufacturing industries, with Picfare Industries Limited as a case study. The study assesses several key objectives: first, to assess the impact of supplier relationships on timeliness of service delivery at Picfare Industries Limited; second, to assess the impact of cost and timeframe establishment on customer satisfaction at Picfare Industries Limited; and third, to assess the impact of risk acknowledgement on accuracy of service delivery at Picfare Industries Limited. The study was carried out using a cross-sectional survey research design where quantitative research approach was used. A sample size of 67 was gotten using Taro Yamane’s formula although 60 of them responded to the study giving a response rate of 89.6%. The data was collected using questionnaires with staff of Picfare Industries Limited. The findings across the three objectives of my research at Picfare Industries Limited highlight significant factors impacting service delivery timeliness, customer satisfaction with cost and timeframe management, and the accuracy of service delivery impacted by risk acknowledgement. Risk acknowledgment and management, including strategies like local sourcing and supply chain resilience, play pivotal roles in enhancing service delivery accuracy by mitigating various risks such as natural disasters and economic shifts. Overall, these findings underscore the importance of proactive management practices and strategic partnerships in optimizing supply chain performance and customer satisfaction. Lastly, the study recommended Picfare to prioritize enhancing supplier relationships through collaboration, information sharing, and coordinated efforts to improve service delivery timeliness. Effective communication strategies should be emphasized to reduce lead times within the supply chain. Encouraging collaborative goals with suppliers can foster strong relationships and open communication channels, enhancing decision-making and problem solving, thereby positively impacting service delivery timeliness.
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    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-30) Believein Kyatuhaire
    The study majorly focused on the impact of Circular economy practices and waste management among firms in Uganda. The study was also guided alongside the following research objectives; examine the effect of reverse logistics practices on waste management, assess the effect of recycling on waste management and finally assess the relationship between circular economy and waste management in Uganda. The study also adopted a cross-sectional survey with a combination of qualitative-quantitative data collection methods for this study. A case research design will also be utilized, as this method allows for an in-depth examination of the specific context. Findings of the study on effect of reverse logistics practices on waste management revealed that majority of respondents agreed to the statements used to measure reverse logistics although some were not sure and others disagreed respectively. Furthermore, findings on effect of recycling on waste management revealed that majority of respondents also agreed to the statements used to measure recycling and waste management although some were not sure and others disagreed respectively. Finally, findings on relationship between circular economy practiced revealed positive significant relationship between reverse logistics, recycling and waste management. The study recommended that; manufacturing firms should adopt circular economy practices fully, enhancing Plastic Circularity using Technology, Revise Waste Management Policies, there is need to re-introduce incentives for plastic recycling, and finally the study also recommends that there is need to transition to a circular economy needs application of technologies that support the whole plastic value chain. The study concluded that indeed circular economy practices need to be adopted by manufacturing firms because of the varied advantages and the need to maximise waste management.
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    (2024-08-30) Enoth Twinamatsiko
    The study aimed at examining the effects of green procurement practices on supply chain management in an organization; a case of National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC). It specifically focused on; assessing the effect of choice of suppliers on supply chain management of NWSC, examining the effect of adopting environmentally products on supply chain management of NWSC and establishing the effect of waste reduction of suppliers on supply chain management of NWSC. The study was carried out using a cross-sectional survey research design where quantitative research approach was also used. A sample size of 95 was gotten using Slovin’s formula although 80 of them responded to the study giving a response rate of 84.2%. The data was collected using questionnaires with employees of National Water and Sewerage Corporation. The study findings demonstrated that NWSC’s commitment to environmental sustainability is deeply embedded in its supply chain practices, as evidenced by its emphasis on selecting environmentally responsible suppliers, integrating sustainable practices, and prioritizing waste reduction. The significant positive relationships identified through Pearson’s correlation analysis highlight that NWSC’s focus on environmental criteria, green procurement, and waste management not only enhances the sustainability of its supply chain but also improves its overall efficiency and effectiveness. By implementing rigorous environmental standards, prioritizing renewable and energy-efficient products, and fostering effective waste reduction practices, NWSC underscores its role as a leader in green supply chain management and sets a benchmark for sustainability in the industry. Lastly, the study recommended the need for NWSC to continue and expand its rigorous environmental certification requirements for suppliers. The study also recommended the need for NWSC to further integrate and incentivize the adoption of renewable materials, energy-efficient products, and eco-friendly innovations within its supply chain. Finally, the study recommended the need for NWSC to implement more comprehensive waste reduction initiatives and monitoring mechanisms for its suppliers.
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    The Impact of E-procurement Adoption on the Performance of Government Agencies. Mukono Municipality
    (Uganda Christian Uganda, 2024-09-19) Phoebe Namugoya
    This study also investigated the impact of eprocurement adoption on organizational performance in Mukono Municipality, considering e-invoicing, e-tendering, and e-sourcing. After thorough analysis, based on the responses by 42 participants, it emerged that e-invoicing has considerably streamlined inventory management through gains in tracking and visibility, though not without challenges in training and integration at different levels. Although etendering has assisted in shortening the lead times, there is still some overlap regarding the evaluation of bids and posting of communication. Much more development should be done to the system to trim these unwanted issues. Basheka & Bisangabasaija 2018. E-sourcing has also improved communication with suppliers and the management of their relationships. However, accuracy of data and conflict resolution remains some of the issues. The results showed that while the e-procurement systems presented significant benefits, securing full effectiveness will require further, focused improvements related to training, system features, and process optimization. This research has added to the knowledge base of the impacts of e-procurement on municipal procurement processes and provided practical recommendations for system performance improvements.
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    The Impact of Reverse Logistics on Sustainability in Supply Chain Management: A Case Study on Jumia Uganda
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-29) Britah Mukobi Namulondo
    As an online shopper, I've seen how e-commerce in Uganda has grown a lot, thanks to companies like Jumia. Jumia, based in Lagos, Nigeria, is now very popular and offers many products to Ugandan customers. But this fast growth in online shopping has also changed how things are moved and delivered in the country. One significant shift is the growing importance of reverse logistics, which involves managing returns and other backward movements within the supply chain. Reverse logistics, which involves managing the return of products from customers to the seller or manufacturer, can greatly affect the sustainability of e-commerce supply chains. This process decides how products, materials, and resources are dealt with when they reach the end of their useful life, impacting the environmental, economic, and social aspects of these operations. As a student of procurement and logistics sat Uganda Christian university am eager to explore the impact of Jumia’s reverse logistics practice on the sustainability of there supply chain management in Uganda .This research proposal aims to investigate how jumia,s reverse logistics process contributes to the company’s overall sustainability performance. To accomplish this ,i will use a case study design ,with a focus on Jumia Uganda a unit of analysis. I plan to collect data through a combination of questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis. Questionnaires will be distributed to Jumia employees across various departments, including logistics, procurement, and sustainability, to gather insights on the company's reverse logistics practices and their impact on sustainability. In-depth interviews will be conducted with key decision-makers and managers to gain a deeper understanding of the strategic and operational aspects of reverse logistics within Jumia's I think the results of this study will give us important information about how reverse logistics can help make e-commerce supply chains in Uganda more sustainable. This research will add to what we already know about managing supply chains in a way that helps the environment. It will also give useful suggestions for Jumia and other e-commerce businesses in Uganda to make their reverse logistics better and their overall operations more sustainable. As a future logistics expert, I am excited about finding new ways to make the industry more sustainable. I believe this research plan will help me learn more and offer useful ideas that can help Jumia and the online shopping world in Uganda.
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    Key Factors Influencing the Implementation of Electronic Government Procurement (EGP) in Local Governments in Uganda: A Case of Mukono District Local Government
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-09-12) Liliam Joel Emeetai
    This study examines the critical factors that affect the implementation of electronic government procurement in local governments in Uganda, using Mukono District Local Government as a case study. The influence of technological infrastructure, organizational capacity, and regulatory frameworks on the adoption and effectiveness of EGP is studied. It pointed out some of the challenges emanating from inadequate infrastructure, limited skilled personnel, and weak regulatory frameworks. Internet connectivity, IT systems, and leadership support are identified in this study as variables that could improve EGP processes. The recommendations proposed are to improve technological integration, strengthen regulatory frameworks, and improve staff training to ensure effective implementation of EGP. The issues to be investigated in this report will include how technological infrastructure-including but not limited to reliable internet and IT systems-organizational capacity, and regulatory framework, including policy guidelines and oversight mechanism-affect the adoption of EGP. The results are collated from various countries like South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, and Kenya, all with various challenges related to poor infrastructure, lack of resources, and unwillingness for change. This review identifies lacunas in addressing some challenges that the local government is facing, and based on this study, it is suggested that future research could be on the assessment of technological readiness, organizational capacity, and regulatory frameworks regarding the effectiveness of EGP. Data collection was done through a single method; namely, quantitative. A sample of 44 employees and 10 key informants were selected through random and purposive sampling. The key informants comprised the CAO, procurement manager, and IT manager. Data collection tools comprised the questionnaires and interviews. SPSS analysis was employed in data analysis. Ethical considerations included confidentiality and informed consent. It is expected that there would be some time, financial constraints, and uncooperative respondents; solutions have sought ways to overcome each of these challenges. A total of 44 respondents, comprising employees and top management, were used to collect data through questionnaires and interviews. The response rate was 100%. Description of demographic characteristics was done for respondents, while the role of technological infrastructure, organizational capacity, and regulatory frameworks on account of EGP implementation were assessed through descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The results revealed that the technological infrastructure, organizational capacity, and the regulatory framework significantly influence the implementation of EGP, which explains 63.9% of the variance in the model. EGP effectiveness in MDLG can improve significantly by enhancing the above-mentioned aspects. Based on this research, this study has identified the most important factors for successful EGP as: technological infrastructure, organizational capacity, and the regulatory and institutional framework. Results show that continuous access to the internet, IT equipment, leadership support, training of employees, and cybersecurity controls are significant in smoothly implementing EGP systems. From this premise, the study concludes by recommending digital infrastructure development, review of regulatory frameworks, and organizational readiness as the points that can give further impetus to the progress of EGP. Further areas of research are also suggested, such as the impact of EGP on procurement outcomes and comparative effectiveness at the local government level.
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    The Impact of Sustainable Production on Sustaibale Consuption: The Case of Cocacola Company Namanve Branch
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-01) Patron Oshaba
    The study investigated the impact of sustainable production on sustainable consumption. The three research objectives that guided the study include the factors for achieving sustainable production at Coca-Cola Company Namanve branch, analyse the challenges encountered in implementing sustainable consumption at Coca-Cola Company Namanve branch and suggesting possible ways of ensuring sustainable production and sustainable consumption at Coca-Cola Company Namanve branch. The study employed a cross sectional research design that was descriptive in nature, used to describe characteristics of the population and other phenomenon studied. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program to come up with the findings whereas qualitative data was analysed qualitatively. From the study findings, the factors for achieving sustainable production include; resource efficiency not only looks to minimize waste but also reduce exhaustion of non-renewable resources, Eco‐efficiency not only aims to prevent waste and increase resource productivity but also to ensures minimal impact towards ecology, Incorporation of green practices into supply chain management activities can enable organizations meet goals associated with environmental and social sustainability, Adopting low-carbon technologies can help reduce energy consumption and promote sustainable development. , the study concluded that the possible ways of ensuring sustainable production and sustainable consumption included; balancing the use of natural resources can foster growth and the efficient use natural resources, Proper planning, inventory management, sharing of surplus food, freezing of foodstuffs, feeding of scraps to animals and being creative with leftovers are some of the ways to minimize food loss and waste. The study recommended that There is need for strengthening awareness creation and trainings in the areas of waste management like the application of circular models where waste is used as an input as opposed to the current traditional linear model of take make and waste which being applied in most manufacturing firms of Uganda. Knowledge generation through research should go hand in hand with strategies to create the capacity to apply and roll out new knowledge to promote the implementation of sustainability practices.
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    The Impact of Supplier Diversification on Innovation in the Supply Chain: A Case Study Kampala Siti Industries
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-01) Isaac Hamphrey Kavuma
    The impact of supplier diversification on Kampala Siti Industries was a critical inquiry into the strategic management of supply chains within the context of the manufacturing industry in Kampala, Uganda. In an era marked by increasing globalization and market uncertainties, the concept of supplier diversification had gained prominence as a means to mitigate risks and enhance operational resilience. This dissertation sought to investigate the extent to which supplier diversification influenced the performance and competitiveness of Kampala Siti Industries. Through a comprehensive literature review, this study examined the theoretical underpinnings of supplier diversification, exploring its implications for supply chain management, risk management, and organizational performance. Drawing on insights from academic research, industry reports, and case studies, the dissertation presented a conceptual framework that integrated key dimensions of supplier diversification, including supplier selection, relationship management, and performance evaluation. The empirical research employed a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative interviews with key stakeholders and quantitative analysis of organizational data. Through in-depth interviews with managers, procurement professionals, and suppliers, the study explored the motivations, challenges, and outcomes associated with supplier diversification strategies. Quantitative analysis of operational and financial data provided empirical evidence of the impact of supplier diversification on key performance indicators, such as cost efficiency, supply chain flexibility, and customer satisfaction. The findings of this study contributed to both academic scholarship and managerial practice by providing insights into the dynamics of supplier diversification and its implications for organizational performance in the manufacturing sector. The dissertation concluded with recommendations for Kampala Siti Industries and other manufacturing firms seeking to leverage supplier diversification as a strategic tool for enhancing competitiveness and sustainability in a dynamic business environment.
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    The Impact of Emerging Technology on Last Mile Delivery Operations
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-06-26) Martha Ingabire
    The last mile delivery segment of logistics has witnessed a transformative evolution with the advent of emerging technologies. This dissertation explores the multifaceted impact of these technologies on last mile delivery operations, considering both the opportunities and challenges they present. Through a comprehensive review of literature, analysis of case studies, and empirical research, this study examines the adoption and integration of technologies such as autonomous vehicles, drones, robotics, and artificial intelligence in last mile delivery processes. The research delves into the efficiency gains, cost savings, and environmental benefits facilitated by these technologies, as well as their implications for workforce dynamics and urban infrastructure. Furthermore, it investigates the regulatory frameworks and ethical considerations shaping the deployment of emerging technologies in last mile delivery. By synthesizing theoretical insights with real-world insights, this dissertation contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between technology, logistics, and society. Ultimately, this study underscores the importance of strategic planning, collaboration, and adaptation in leveraging emerging technologies to optimize last mile delivery networks. It provides valuable insights and recommendations for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers to navigate the dynamic landscape of modern logistics and harness the potential of technology-driven innovations for sustainable and efficient last mile delivery.
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    Impact of Supplier Relationship Management on Service Delivery of an Organisation: A Case Study of Shipax Africa Limited
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-01) Peace Kisakye
    The study was carried out at Shipax Africa limited. The purpose of the study was to establish the impacts of supplier relationship management on service delivery at Shipax Africa Limited. The research methodology for the study was Correlational research design. The sample size was 59 respondents and both simple random sampling techniques and purposive techniques were applied in selecting the respondents who were included in the sample. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data and data was analysed using SPSS version 25 at univariate and multivariate levels. Study findings revealed that supplier quality commitment had a coefficient of 0.2574, p-value=0.0094 and t value=1.70 which showed that there is some significant effect on service delivery. The results also show that supplier financial ability had no significant effect of supplier financial ability on the service delivery with coefficient of 0.1793, t-value of 1.42 and p-value of 0.162>0.05. Lastly, the results depicted that supplier competence has a coefficient of 0.4589, a p-value of 0.000 which is less than 5% significance level which indicates that there was a strong significant effect of supplier competence on service. They concluded that procurement planning practices that affects service delivery which included supplier competence and supplier quality commitment. The study recommended that Shipax Africa Limited should always address and educate its employees on the ways how to minimize on their production costs through minimal utilization of available resources from their supplier which will increase on the service delivery
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    The Impact of Electronic Procurement Forms on the Organization Performance: A Case Study of Shipax Africa Ltd
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-06-19) Shekinah Enang
    Electronic procurement (e-procurement), in recent years, has been used as a good means to cut costs significantly in businesses hence gaining the touch of competitive advantage over other businesses that have not fully complied to the use of the information technology. It enables volume purchases, allows wider choice of buyers and supplier base, improves quality, delivery, reduces paperwork and lowers administrative costs. This study analyses the effect of electronic procurement to the organization performance The study was guided by three major objectives; To examine the impact of e-ordering on customer satisfaction, to assess the impact of e-sourcing on lead time, to examine the impact of E-commerce on responsiveness and recommend the ways through which e-procurement can fully be and effectively implemented to improve the performance of an organization. Referring to the study findings, it can be revealed that the corporation has fully embraced and adapted e-procurement however; there is still a challenge in change management within the corporation so as to ensure compliance within the main stakeholders, (clients, suppliers and employees). There were challenges like; malicious malware and failure to comply with the technology changes in the corporation. The solutions to the various challenges in reference to the case included, early involvement and communication with employees and stakeholders, choose right e-procurement software and practice on job training for the employees and staff. The study further recommended that further research should investigate more on the electronic procurement implementation process which may impact the performance levels of government entities during the sourcing, quality service delivery activities among others. More research should investigate other factors that are responsible for enhancement of financial performance effectiveness to bring a comprehensive understanding of all factors that influence e-procurement implementation alongside the financial performance. Future studies should extensively study other factors to bring up a wider understanding of financial performance.
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    The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Supply Chain Visibility in Manufacturing Firms in Uganda: A Case of Century Bottling Company (Coca Cola)
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-06-19) Esther Kyasiimire
    The study examined the impact of supply chain integration on supply chain visibility in manufacturing firms in Uganda: a case of Century Bottling Company (Coca Cola). It specifically focused on; examining the relationship between supplier integration and supply chain visibility in manufacturing firms, examining the drivers of supply chain integration in manufacturing firms in Uganda and examining the key success factors for supply chain integration in manufacturing firms in Uganda. The study was carried out using a cross sectional survey research design where both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were also used. The data was collected using questionnaires and interviews during the data collection, both purposive and stratified sampling methods were used. A sample size of 80 respondents who are management and employees of Century Bottling Company (Coca Cola) was also used in the study. The study recommended that Century Bottling Company should invest in advanced supplier ICT systems, leverage key integration drivers, foster robust collaboration with partners, empower an adaptable workforce through training, and establish an ongoing process for KPI monitoring. By embracing these strategies, the company can enhance supply chain visibility, streamline operations, and strengthen market competitiveness, ultimately contributing to a more integrated, efficient, and responsive supply chain ecosystem From the findings, it was revealed that supplier ICT systems are demonstrated to significantly enhance supply chain visibility, offering real-time inventory tracking, proactive disruption management, and improved collaboration with suppliers. The drivers for integration revolve around the complexities of operational processes and competitive pressures, along with motivations for reduced lead times, enhanced product quality, and market advantage. Effective coordination, adaptability, and collaborative partnerships emerge as pivotal success factors for supply chain integration, underscoring the significance of agility and cohesive relationships in optimizing integration efforts. These findings collectively contribute to a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between technological, operational, and strategic facets in fostering successful supply chain integration within Ugandan manufacturing firms.
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    Effective Fleet Management and Performance of Private Organisations Case Study of Bollore Logistics Limited
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-06-12) Neria Twinomugisha
    Fleet management is the use of a set of vehicles in order to provide a service to a third-party, or to perform an activity internally in an organization, in the most efficient and productive manner with a determined level of service and cost. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of fleet management on organization performance from the perspective of employee the case of Bollore Logistics Ltd. The study sought to explore the impact of fleet management on the organization’s performance in Bollore Logistics Ltd. The study was guided by the objectives that included to find out the relationship between vehicle tracking and the organizational performance of Bollore Logistics Ltd, to establish the relationship between vehicle fuel management and organizational performance of Bollore Logistics Ltd and to find out the relationship between driver management and organizational performance of Bollore Logistics Ltd. The study population comprised 107 participants that were drawn from selected departments at Bollore Logistics Ltd. A total of 102 questionnaires were successfully returned to yield a 98% overall response rate. Findings deduced from the study proved that a positive correlation existed between fleet management and organization performance. Conclusions and recommendations that for Bollore Logistics Ltd to succeed requires to have constant change and upgrade on their fleet and adopt innovation in managing the fleet.
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    The Impact of Emerging Technology on Last Mile Delivery Operations
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-06-12) Martha Ingabire
    The last mile delivery segment of logistics has witnessed a transformative evolution with the advent of emerging technologies. This dissertation explores the multifaceted impact of these technologies on last mile delivery operations, considering both the opportunities and challenges they present. Through a comprehensive review of literature, analysis of case studies, and empirical research, this study examines the adoption and integration of technologies such as autonomous vehicles, drones, robotics, and artificial intelligence in last mile delivery processes. The research delves into the efficiency gains, cost savings, and environmental benefits facilitated by these technologies, as well as their implications for workforce dynamics and urban infrastructure. Furthermore, it investigates the regulatory frameworks and ethical considerations shaping the deployment of emerging technologies in last mile delivery. By synthesizing theoretical insights with real-world insights, this dissertation contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between technology, logistics, and society. Ultimately, this study underscores the importance of strategic planning, collaboration, and adaptation in leveraging emerging technologies to optimize last mile delivery networks. It provides valuable insights and recommendations for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers to navigate the dynamic landscape of modern logistics and harness the potential of technology-driven innovations for sustainable and efficient last mile delivery.
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    Role of Sustainability on the Performance of Beverage Companies: A Case Study on Century Bottling Company
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-06-12) Brian Mutono
    The study was conducted at Century Bottling Company, located on plot 964, Namanve Industrial Area, Jinja Road, Kampala -Mukono. The primary objectives were to examine the drivers of sustainability at Century Bottling Company, analyze the major barriers that hinder the implementation of sustainability initiatives at Century Bottling Company as well as explore the relationship between sustainability and performance at Century Bottling Company. Employing a descriptive research design, both qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized including cross- sectional survey and various sampling techniques.The findings from the study underscored significant insights regarding performance and the integration of sustainability with evidence that supplier's reputation for sustainability is a key consideration for Century Bottling Company, as it aligns the organization with sustainable principles and values. Furthermore, that the availability of sustainable materials and technologies also emerges as an influential factor in the supplier selection process as respondents acknowledged its importance in ensuring that performance aligns with the sustainability upheld by Century Bottling Company. This points to a growing awareness of the need to incorporate eco-friendly and sustainable resources in the production and supply chain processes. The benefits associated with the adoption of sustainability in the beverage industry. Notably, include cost reduction and improved operational efficiency which echo the notion that embracing sustainability can yield economic advantages through streamlined processes and optimized resource utilization and this highlights the positive impact of sustainability on brand supplier reputation and customer loyalty, indicating that aligning with sustainability principles resonates positively with customers.In conclusion, the study reveals that performance and sustainability play a crucial role in the beverage industry. Adopting sustainability brings benefits such as cost reduction and improved brand reputation. However, challenges like outdated technologies and awareness need to be addressed for successful implementation. The study recommendation includes Century investing in state-of-the-art sustainable technologies such as recycling equipment and waste-to-energy solutions, ensure that employees are trained to use these technologies effectively, through investing in sustainable infrastructure through the allocation of more resources into building or upgrading its sustainability facilities so that they are capable of handling various types of sustainability initiatives efficiently. It should also implement proper storage, sorting, and disposal mechanisms as well as collaborating with other beverage companies and relevant industries to share the best sustainability practices through joint initiatives can lead to innovative solutions and cost-sharing opportunities.
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    Examining how Supplier Relationships Affect Production and Performance, Specifically Collaborative Supplier Relationships: A Case Study of Letz Talk Technologies Ltd Uganda
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-09-13) Ninah Baseka
    The purpose of the study aimed at examining how supplier relationships affect production and performance, especially collaborative supplier relationships basing on the following objectives; To establish the understanding of the respondents in terms of, relationship, age, gender, education level, position in the organization, number of years worked, and the marital status, o establish the different supplier relationship types of Letz Talk Technologies, To establish the level of supplier and production relationship Letz Talk Technologies , To establish the relationship between supplier, relationship Management and business production of Letz Talk products. Both qualitative and quantitative research designs were used. The sample size was randomly selected using the simple random sampling design. And sample size of 40 respondents was considered. Secondary sources of information included textbooks, magazines, pamphlets, research reports, journals, internet and newsletter were used in addition to various company annual reports, and Primary data was collected by the use questionnaires given by the respondents. Besides that, after collecting data, it was analysed in line with the problem, objectives of the research, research questions and other information especially from the literature review, Frequency tables and graphs were worked out basing on the data entered into excel. In these frequency tables and graphs, analysis was done with a corresponding percentage. Findings revealed that Letz talk technologies Ltd has important relationships with its suppliers whom they have closely worked with for years. The relationships are mostly collaborative and strategic which adds value to the company. Letz talk technologies is committed to the contractual arrangements though there is need to check on bureaucracy which sometimes stagnates and delays decision making and operations. Besides that, there is a lot of work in progress, a lot of bottlenecks were observed at the company and Suppliers take a lot of time in delivering what is requieed, It was recommended that Letz talk technologies Ltd should consider integration as a way to manage supplier problems and cut out the middle man to save time.